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5 Tips About Using A Neck Brace For Sleeping

Wearing a neck brace incorrectly can lead to issues. Here are some tips for wearing a cervical collar sitting or resting for long periods can make your neck muscles stiff. Gentle movements like slight walking can help loosen this tension. Find 5 tips for wearing a neck brace for sleeping.

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Stockings Accessories

Buying a Compression Garment

Buying a compression garment is all about the correct size. Compression therapy will work best only if the size is right enough to provide adequate pressure.

Incontinence Guide

Incontinence Care: Some Do’s and Don’ts

As we age the issue of incontinence becomes more prominent. Whether it’s a little leak when you cough or giggle an awkward social situation can rear its ugly head.

Sports Injury Prevention

Selecting the Proper Compression Bandage for Your Sports Injury

Sports injuries can happen to anybody. As a matter of fact, if you played a sport or are just active there is a good chance you tweaked, pulled, torqued, twisted, strained, or sprained something. These injuries can be minor and require little recovery or they can be serious and need to be looked after

Stockings and Socks Aids

Choosing the Proper Compression Socks/Stockings for You

Our bodies are made up of several major systems that include the digestive system, respiratory system, the nervous system, skeletal/muscular system, and the circulatory system. All these systems work together in order for our bodies to operate properly. When one system is compromised or injured the other systems need assistance.

Multiple Sclerosis

What Exactly Is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

Our muscles move by receiving electrical impulses from our brain that travel through our nerves. This electrical signal travels on the outside of our nerves through a coating called myelin. When white blood cells are drawn to regions of white matter they create what’s called the inflammatory response and causes damage to myelin. The damage to our myelin is called demyelination. This effectively works the same way as the damaged insulation of an electrical circuit. It impedes the transmission of nerve signals or can even jump the signal to other demyelinated axons.

Stretching And Flexibility

The Benefits of Stretching Before Exercise

It’s common knowledge that exercise is beneficial to overall health. What might not be so obvious are the benefits of stretching before we exercise. Even though our muscles have a natural elasticity, stretching before we do any kind of strenuous activity is important.

Compression Bandages

Treatments for Venous Ulcers

Venous ulcer is a skin ulcer caused by improper blood circulation in the legs. Venous ulcers are located on the sides of the leg, usually above the ankle and below the calf. These shallow wounds are caused by leg veins not returning blood to the heart properly.

Scar Relief

Types of Scars and Treatments

Our skin is the largest organ in our body. It performs many functions, but the most important one is keeping organisms from entering our body. Just about every person has injured their skin at one time or another. Depending on these injuries, a scar can be left behind.

Patient Lift Slings

Sling Buyer's Guide

A safe patient transfer requires two things, a patient lift and a sling. There are many variations of slings, all dependent upon a patient’s needs. These slings cradle and lift a person during a transfer between a bed, wheelchair, or commode/shower chair.

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