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Buy Hot And Cold Therapy Products - Cold Therapy Systems, Heat Packs, Cold Packs & More

Hot And Cold Therapy

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What is Hot & Cold Therapy?

Hot and cold therapy is an effective way of treating painful injuries, inflammation or stiffness of arthritic joints. Some injuries or pain may require only heat therapy, some only cold therapy while there may be some cases in which alternating heat and cold may be needed to increase the rate of blood flow to the area to promote healing. Hot and cold treatment may be provided through hot and cold therapy products which are developed to provide relief from different types of muscle or joint pain because of arthritis or injury. Heat therapy needs longer application time while cold therapy is needed for a limited time.

Why to use Heat Therapy?

Heat helps the muscles relax and opens up the blood vessels thus increasing blood flow to the affected area. Application of heat soothes the muscles, heals the damaged tissue and brings down pain. Heat therapy can either be dry heat or moist heat. Dry heat therapy is given through large heating pads, dry heating packs and saunas. Moist heat therapy, which is slightly more effective, involves the use of steamed towels, hot baths and moist heating packs.

Applying heat therapy to an area of minor stiffness for 15-20 minutes can be effective. For moderate-to-severe pain, using warm bath from 30 minutes to two hours can help.

Why to use Cold Therapy/Cyrotherapy?

Hot Therapy Or Cold Therapy – Which one to prefer?

Which therapy to use will depend on the injury and stage at which it is. Heat helps relax stiff muscles and joints while cold brings down inflammation and pain. If the injury or pain is acute and there is inflammation and swelling then cold therapy should be used. If there is muscle pain and stiffness, then heat therapy is effective. Heat therapy is generally used to treat chronic injuries and loosen tight, achy muscles and joints. Alternating heat and cold therapy is good for exercise-induced muscle pain. It also works for arthritic pains, using heat for joint stiffness and cold for pain and swelling. This increases the rate of blood flow to the injured area. Vasoconstriction by cold therapy is reversed on application of heat leading to an influx of blood to the damaged tissues.

When to use Heat Therapy?

Heat increases blood flow by opening up blood vessels, which in return supplies oxygen and nutrients to reduce pain and soothe sore muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The heat also reduces muscle spasms and can increase the range of motion. It’s very important to make sure that you use heat therapy safely so as not to burn your skin. Heat should never be used if there is swelling or if you have poor circulation or diabetes. Consult your doctor or physical therapist on how long to do heat therapy. There are predominately two types of heat that can be applied: dry and moist. A dry heat may end up drying out the skin while a moist heat may penetrate deeper into sore and aching muscles.

Dry heat is easy to apply and includes sources like

Moist heat may be slightly more effective as well as require less application and includes sources like

When to use Cold Therapy?

Unlike heat therapy which promotes blood flow, cold therapy restricts blood flow and reduces inflammation and swelling. Cold therapy is a vasoconstrictor and is used right after an injury occurs and can continue for up to 48 hours. Much like heat therapy, cold therapy should only be applied for 10-20 minutes at a time. It can be removed for 10 minutes and then reapplied again. The most common source for cold therapy is ice or gel packs and should not be applied directly to the skin, but wrapped in a thin towel.
There are a number of different ways to apply cold therapy to an affected area. Treatment options include:

Hot And Cold Therapy Products

Hot And Cold Therapy Systems

There are several types of hot/cold therapy systems that vary in features but all of them help deliver effective hot or cold therapy to provide drug-free pain relief. At Health Products For You, there is a vast selection of these items which provide an all-in-one system which combines heat therapy and cold therapy. On being heated, these products will deliver heat to the affected area and when used as a cold pack, the effect is comforting cold without any damage to the skin or nerves. With these hot and cold therapy systems you can treat sprains, strains, tendonitis, tight muscles, achy joints and nerve pain conditions and also find relief from diabetic symptoms.

Heat Therapy And Hot Packs

Heat therapy can be applied using hot packs, electric heating pads, elasto-gel cervical collar, moist heat packs, warming gel mittens, bed warmers, etc. These products help alleviate stress and pain and relax your muscles. You will find various types of hot packs and pads, dispenser bottles, drying racks, tongs and more. For the young ones, the heel warmers from Medline will conform gently to the baby’s heels and activate instantly.

Cold Therapy and Cold Packs

At Health Products For You, find cold packs and cold wraps that get activated immediately providing therapeutic relief from pain and sports injury. All types of cold therapy solutions are available including cold packs ( like FlexiKold Cold Pack ), gel packs and massage balls which activate instantly and offer patients a new level of comfort, conformability and effectiveness. These cold packs can be used to treat athletic injuries, arthritis, post-surgery pain, rehab and inflammatory disorders.

Cooling Vests

Cooling vests work on the premise of cold therapy which helps maintain your core body temperature and prevent sudden drops or rise. These products use active cooling technology, like battery or electrical-powered vests, or passive cooling technology, like gel packs. Cooling vests can also help counter the effects of exposure to a hot environment. You can wear them inside or over your regular clothes.

Precautions to take while Using Hot And Cold Therapy Packs

Hot and Cold Therapy Products - Best Sellers

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Where to buy Cold Therapy Products Online?

Heat therapy improves blood circulation and soothes stiff joints. Cold Therapy helps to reduce inflammation and pain. At Health Products For You we offer a wide range of Hot and Cold Therapy Products such as Hot/Cold Therapy Systems, Cold Packs, Hot Packs, Chilling Units, Heating Units, Hot and Cold Therapy Accessories from top Manufacturers like Breg Incorporated, Polar Products, Fabrication Enterprises, Power Play. Shop Now!

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Hot And Cold Therapy

When And How to use Hot and Cold Therapy?

Kevin Cleary Dec 06,2014

Recovering and rehabbing from an injury requires the correct therapy course of action. It makes no sense to adopt a course of action that won’t benefit your injury, would it?

Hot And Cold Therapy

Hot and Cold Encyclopedia

Taikhum Sadiq May 23,2016

Ice decreases the blood flow to the injury, thereby decreasing the amount of inflammation and swelling. The pain that recurs after this can be easily treated with heat, which brings the blood to the area thus promoting healing.

Heat Therapy and Hot Packs

Hot Packs and Wraps

Taikhum Sadiq May 23,2016

A hot pack or wrap is a pad used to provide warmth to different parts of the body in order to manage pain. Localized application of heat results in the dilation of the blood vessels in that area thus enhancing


Frequently asked questions

Alternately placing hot and cold packs on the back can provide great pain relief by simultaneously reducing inflammation and loosening muscles.

Neither hot nor cold therapy will cure plantar fasciitis, however generally, heat will help relieve pain and cold will reduce swelling which also reduces pain. Try both and see which works best for you.

Hot and cold contrast therapy exerts a physiological effect on the body's pain gate mechanism when applied simultaneously by temporarily alters the pain signals traveling to and from the brain. Hot and cold contrast therapy can be applied on the skin using hot and cold packs.

Yes! Hot and cold therapy helps to soothe stiff arthritic joints and tired muscles while reducing pain and inflammation.

Cold treatment is best for a hamstring strain since it helps stop internal bleeding in the damaged tissue and reduces inflammation.