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Wound Vac Machine For Sale | NPWT Wound Vac Devices Online


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What is a wound vac? 

Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) is a popular technique that assists in wound healing and is used to manage complex wounds. It is also known as negative pressure wound therapy.  

Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) optimizes wound healing by applying sub-atmospheric pressure to the wound bed using a sealed wound dressing connected to a vacuum pump. The continued vacuum gently pulls fluid from the wound, reduces swelling, cleans the wound, and removes infection-causing bacteria. It also helps in wound closure by bringing the wound's edges together and stimulating new tissue growth.

HPFY offers products required for NPWT, like wound vac machines for sale, pressure dressing, therapy canisters, irrigation tubing, etc., from top brands. 

Wound vac therapy offers a range of advantages for patients with various wound types.  

Experience the transformative power of wound vac therapy. If you have a wound that requires advanced treatment, consider wound vac therapy as a potential solution. 

Indications for negative pressure wound therapy  

NPWT is well known for its fast-healing properties with minimum infection risk. The therapy should always be used with a doctor's prescription. Your physician will recommend a suitable kind of treatment depending on the type of wound and your medical health. 

A wound VAC is often used for: 

NPWT Device Components

The NPWT includes the following components:

How does Wound VAC work?

                                                    Infographic describing How does Wound VAC work

  1. Various layers of foam dressing are applied to the wound. Then, the dressing is sealed properly using a medical film. 
  2. There is a tube attached to the film's opening, which leads to the vacuum pump and canister. 
  3. The canister is used to collect fluids. You can either set the pump to work continuously or intermittently. 
  4. The vacuum pump sucks out the fluid and the infection from the wound and helps make the healing faster. 
  5. It also helps in pulling the edges of the wound and promoting the growth of newer tissues. 
  6. When required, antibiotics and saline can be delivered to the wound. 

FAQs on NPWT VAC Devices

  1. How often is the wound vac dressing changed? 

    In most cases, the wound dressing should be changed 2 to 3 times a week. If the wound is infected, the dressing may need changing more often. 

  2. Who changes the NPWT dressings? 

    Usually, a healthcare professional will change your bandages. However, a family member or a caregiver can be trained to change your dressing. 

  3. Does a dressing change hurt? 

    Changing NPWT dressing is similar to changing any other type of wound dressing. It might hurt a little, depending on the type of wound. Ask your doctor for help with pain relief. 

  4. Can I shower while the wound pump is on?  

    You can take a shower by disconnecting the device. (the VAC system should not be off for more than 2 hours per day). 

    You can use a dressing protector to cover the wound to prevent water from getting inside the dressing because soap water may increase your wound's chances of getting infected. 

Where to buy a Wound VAC machine online? 

To make health & wellness accessible while making a difference in the lives of our customers. We carry a wide range of portable wound VAC machines for sale and wound care supplies for NPWT from leading manufacturers like extriCARE USA, Innovative Therapies, Cardinal Health, Deroyal, etc., at the best prices. Place your order today! 

Related Articles on Wound Care

Research Papers on NPWT 

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