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Buy Hot and Cold Therapy Machines | Hot & Cold Therapy Systems for Pain Relief


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Hot and Cold Therapy Machines at HPFY

Hot and cold therapy systems use water to provide the required temperature for therapy. These systems work on the principle of gravity or a motor to circulate hot or cold water through a special wrap that sits on the body. These wraps may be in the form of shoulder wraps, mittens, socks, or a general-purpose band that can be applied to the back, knee, and thigh. Cold therapy is beneficial for reducing swelling and inflammation, while hot therapy relaxes muscles and alleviates pain and discomfort. Hot and cold therapy systems are used in many areas, including physical therapy, sports medicine, and home use. Find here hot and cold therapy systems that will help you reap the benefits of hot and cold therapy hands-free. Browse now!

Why use an Ice Therapy Machine?

It is the general use of low temperatures to perform medical treatment. Cold Therapy is used to relieve muscle pain, sprains, and swelling after tissue damage or surgery. It offers a huge range of treatments, from the use of ice packs or immersion in ice baths to the use of cold chambers. An ice pack is placed over the infected area and is intended to absorb the heat of injury by using conduction to transfer thermal energy. It has several physiological effects, such as decreased local metabolism & enzymatic activity and decreased oxygen demand. Cold temperature decreases muscle spindle fiber activity and slows nerve conduction velocity. It alleviates the pain of minor injuries and decreases muscle soreness.

Benefits of Using a Cold Therapy Machine

Why use Hot Therapy?

Hot Therapy uses Heat for pain relief and health. Heat therapy can be taken in the form of a hot cloth, heating pad, hot water bottle, ultrasound, cordless FIR heat therapy wraps, hydrocollator packs, warming gel, hot packs, moist heat packs, bed warmers, and others. It can be effective for patients having arthritis, stiff muscles & injuries to the deep tissues. It is most commonly used for rehabilitation purposes.

Benefits of Using Hot Therapy

When to use Heat Therapy?

Heat therapy is useful in the case of:


Cold therapy or cryotherapy is used as immediate first aid for a large number of injuries, including sports injuries, as it helps reduce swelling, pain, muscle spasms, tissue damage, and inflammation by constricting fluid flow to the affected area. If not provided early in the course of treatment, the fluid and blood can pool around the site of injury, causing bruising or swelling. 

Our Best-Selling Hot and Cold Therapy Systems

1. Polar Active Ice 3.0 Universal Cold Therapy System

Polar Active Ice Therapy System 3.0 circulates cold water from a cooler to the desired body area, delivering localized cold therapy to the user either at home or during a hospital stay. This therapy machine may help you rely less on medication as you recover from surgery or an injury. This ice machine is specifically designed for post-surgery, where serious pain relief is required.

Features of Active Ice Therapy System 3.0

2. Vive Ice Therapy Machine

Ice Therapy Machine by Vive offers cold therapy to reduce pain, swelling, stiffness, and inflammation caused by surgery, injury, post-workouts, arthritis, and more. With this therapy unit, you get the combined benefits of therapeutic cold and targeted pressure to aid in your healing.

Features of Vive Cold Therapy Machine

3. Polar Active Ice 3.0 Universal Cold Therapy System With 9 Quart Cooler

The cold therapy pad is optimized to provide comfortable cold therapy to the desired body part while providing gentle compression. The insulated outer fabric directs maximum therapy to the target area. Polar Active Ice Cold Therapy System with 9 Quart Cooler is specially designed for post-surgery and drug-free pain relief. It conveniently attaches to the Universal U-shaped bladder and eases its application on the targeted body part with hook and loop tabs.

Features of Active Ice Cold Therapy System with 9-Quart Cooler

Where to buy Hot and Cold Therapy Machines Online?

At HPFY, we have a wide range of hot and cold therapy systems that help accomplish various therapy goals. Studies suggest that when this therapy is applied successively, it creates a physiological effect on the body’s pain gate mechanism that alters the pain signal generated for a temporary time period. Buy hot and cold therapy devices with numerous benefits from the best manufacturers, including Polar Products, DJO Incorporated, Breg Incorporated, Pain Management Technologies, and many more, at the best prices and at attractive discounts on HPFY!

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Hot And Cold Therapy

When And How to use Hot and Cold Therapy?

Kevin Cleary Dec 06,2014

Recovering and rehabbing from an injury requires the correct therapy course of action. It makes no sense to adopt a course of action that won’t benefit your injury, would it?

Hot And Cold Therapy

Hot and Cold Encyclopedia

Taikhum Sadiq May 23,2016

Ice decreases the blood flow to the injury, thereby decreasing the amount of inflammation and swelling. The pain that recurs after this can be easily treated with heat, which brings the blood to the area thus promoting healing.

Heat Therapy and Hot Packs

Hot Packs and Wraps

Taikhum Sadiq May 23,2016

A hot pack or wrap is a pad used to provide warmth to different parts of the body in order to manage pain. Localized application of heat results in the dilation of the blood vessels in that area thus enhancing