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Drainable ostomy bags are open-ended. These pouches are equipped with a tail that allows to empty the pouch and reuse it. The open bottom remains closed with some type of secure closure system such as a clip, clamp, Velcro, etc. After draining the waste out, the same closure system is used to seal the bottom. Drainable ostomy pouches allow you to drain the stoma output periodically throughout the day so that you do not have to replace pouches as frequently. These pouches are typically suitable for collecting liquid output such as urine, liquid stool, or semi-formed stool. The drainable bag can be reused for 3 to 7 days before being disposed of completely. They are available in both one-piece and two-piece ostomy systems.
Drainable pouches are used primarily by people with ileostomies and people with colostomies who deal with the more frequent and liquid or semi-solid stomal output. Connecting a specialized closeable drainage valve or tap turns it into a urostomy bag. A drainable pouch is not the ideal option to manage hard and fully formed stools.
Following are the advantages of using a drainable pouch, including:
Health Products For You offers a huge collection of 1-piece and 2-piece drainable ostomy bags from top-selling manufacturers like Coloplast, Hollister, Nu-Hope, etc. Shop for all your ostomy supplies and get reward dollars on every purchase. You can use these reward dollars on your next purchase.
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