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A pouching system is an aid for the collection of output from an ostomy. Since the pouch is sealed, it protects the peristomal skin by providing security to the skin. Ostomy bags collect the waste by sticking to the outside of the stoma. It stays in place against your skin to provide maximum functionality. Health Products For You offers a wide range of post-surgery supplies from various industry-leading names such as NU-Hope, Convatec, and Coloplast. The different designs provide accommodation to other users and their physical activities. For instance, the small pouches are designed to support intimacy or swimming, while the larger ones are fashioned to suit everyday wear and night use. These bags are fashioned to eliminate the need to change the bag during the night.
One of the most daunting questions while choosing post-operative equipment is whether to go for a one-piece pouching system or a two-piece. One-piece ostomy bag systems are permanently attached to a skin barrier that attaches to a collection bag. When the bag is changed, the skin barrier is removed, and the new set, a bag, and a skin barrier are used. However, two-piece ostomy pouching systems allow the bag to detach from the skin barrier so that the bag is, emptied, replaced, and cleaned without removing the barrier. The one-piece ostomy bags are easier for people who have vision impairments, arthritis, or any other condition that decreases the strength and coordination of their hands. Howbeit, removing the skin barrier every time after the bag is full poses a greater danger for the user. Manually removing the bag often may lead to skin irritation. On the other hand, two-piece ostomy systems offer safety from skin irritation. This is because the bag comes in a larger size, and the detachable skin barrier can stay in place for days without any hassle. People with more waste output opt for two-piece colostomy bags.
Additionally, one-piece pouch systems lie flat against the skin and provide a quicker and easier change, making it a better option for those looking for maximum discreetness. The two-piece bags are more visible under your regular clothing as compared to one-piece. They may also take a little more time to clean.
The next consideration to make is whether the stoma bag you are choosing is drainable or closed. The Closed-end ostomy bags are sealed pouches that are supposed to be disposed of after use. That implies that they are only for one-time use. On the other hand, a drainable ostomy bag has a built-in or attached closure mechanism to allow the bag to be emptied, cleaned, and reused several times.
Drainable bags, as well as closed bags, are used with a two-piece system. However, a one-piece system allows for closed bags only. Closed pouches are a good choice for trips since they offer quick changes along with convenient disposal. Drainable pouches, however, are better for frequent and permanent output. They are often opted to support long-term ostomy needs due to their cost-effectiveness.
It is effectively established that skin barriers hold great importance in deciding which ostomy system to buy. Choosing the right skin barrier is the key. Skin barriers are also known as wafers, ostomy barriers, or flanges. The barriers used in ostomy care come in varied styles, sizes, and configurations to suit different body types and offer the utmost practical benefits. It Attaches to the peristomal area and gives stability to the pouch. Flanges are separate units in two-piece systems and are deemed as an all-in-one ostomy pouching system. The barrier may be soft and malleable or rigid, depending on the needs and necessities of an individual. Skin Barriers are either flat or convex. Some ostomy barriers have pre-cut openings, while others are cut to fit design. Although many two-piece systems come with a skin barrier included, some people prefer purchasing them separately to customize the fit as per their body and stoma size for better usage. Similarly, some barriers come with adhesive backing, while others may require the user to use additional adhesive tape or sheets to keep it in place. After use, the user can remove the adhesive from their skin by using an adhesive remover.
Those ostomates who experience soft and liquid output should go for skin barriers designed to offer resistance to liquids. Subsequently, those who change ostomy skin barriers often or have sensitive skin should look out for gentler adhesives and specific flanges to avoid any risks of skin infections. Deeper stomas or abdominal creases are managed better with flat barriers. In contrast, the convex barriers tend to do better with flat barriers, while convex two-piece skin barriers suit flush or retracted stomas more impressively.
Apart from the points mentioned above, there are plenty of other things one must consider while making up the mind to buy a pouching system. These points must be regarded to make an informed decision. Some of these considerations include the length, size, shape, location of the stoma, abdominal scars and folds in the peristomal area, height and weight of the user, and more. Other than that, there might be a need to make specific alterations for stomas in the lower portions of the body, such as the hipbone or groin. Some companies like Hollister offer custom-made products to meet the particular needs of the customers.
An apt ostomy pouching system should -
Health Products For You is committed to offering the best quality medical supplies to its customers at the best prices. We provide you with a huge catalog of ostomy supplies, including Hollister New Image Drainable Pouches, Coloplast Assura Two-Piece Post-Operative Systems, Coloplast Brava Elastic Barrier Strips, and other post-operative systems. Check out our collection and earn Reward $ on every purchase you make.
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A pouching system includes two parts namely the skin barrier and the collection pouch. The pouch is attached to the abdomen by the skin barrier and fitted over and around the stoma to collect the expelled waste. The barrier protects
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After surgery the newly-created stoma is swollen and enlarged. The following steps must be followed for post-operative care:
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Complications that might occur after surgery includes:
It takes around three months for the abdominal muscles to heal completely after surgery.
The stoma surface has millions of tiny blood vessels which get exposed to air following surgery because they are not covered with skin. Therefore, blood may be visible when cleaning the stoma.