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Latex rubber is the soft, milky-white substance found beneath the bark of a mature rubber tree called Hevea brasiliensis. Catheters made from 100 % latex are soft and flexible as the material is thermosensitive, which means it can adapt to the temperature of its environment. Latex catheters are inexpensive and most people prefer them for long-term catheterization. However, latex catheters should not be used by those with latex allergies. Latex catheters are often coated with a protective layer such as silicon or Teflon to prevent tissue irritation.
Foley Catheters are indwelling catheters and remain in the bladder for a longer period. To protect against infection and skin irritation, latex foley catheters are often coated with additional substances or materials like silicone or silver. Silver alloy coated foley catheters significantly reduce bacterial adherence and minimize biofilm formation. Silicone-coated latex Foley catheters dramatically reduce urethral irritation and maximize stiffness without compromising flexibility. Amsino AMSure 2-Way Silicone Coated Latex Foley Catheter is durable and flexible which helps improve patient comfort.
Red rubber intermittent catheters made from red rubber latex are soft and flexible. These catheters are suitable for both male and female catheterization. Rusch Robinson And Nelaton All Purpose Red Rubber Latex Intermittent Catheter is soft and comfortable providing easy insertion and a pleasant user experience.
Latex catheters are designed just like any other catheter to drain urine from the bladder. Its thermo-sensitive property makes it pliable and due to this feature people prefer using it over other materials. For people who feel discomfort or have trouble inserting catheters, latex catheters may be an ideal option.
Heath Products For You offers a huge collection of latex catheters from leading manufacturers like Bard, Teleflex, Covidien, etc. Place your order today and get all your urology supplies delivered to your door.
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