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Caring for a Parent

Caring for a Parent
Kevin Cleary

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As our parents age, the need for additional care can become quite stressful. Nobody wants to put their parents into an assisted living or long-term care facility, let alone pay for one. Many of these nursing homes can be hotbeds for Covid-19 deaths. As we age our medical needs become much more complex and potentially all-consuming. Are there options available to us that may make these decisions easier? We here at HPFY can give you some ideas and tips that may make being the primary caregiver to one or both parents a little bit easier and less painful.

Being a Primary Caregiver

As our parents become older, their needs may not be as obvious as we may think. Sure, mom and dad may be a little bit more forgetful, but there are other medical issues that can rear their ugly head. Also, as we become their primary caregivers, modesty sometimes has to take a backseat. This can mean seeing our parents in a completely different light. In order to become one or both parents primary caregiver you need to ask yourself some questions and some of these may include:

How much care does mom/dad need?

This is possibly the most crucial question that needs to be answered honestly. Diminishing any deteriorating ability or health risk can be extremely dangerous. Is it just a matter of reminding them to take medication or helping them bathe/shower each day?

Are my parents mobile?

As we age, the greatest risk we must be aware of is falling. Flexibility and coordination are a casualty of aging and this can lead to falls that result in broken bones or fractures.

Is mom or dad incontinent?

Another sign of aging is the increased frequency of incontinence. Many times, primary caregivers need to be able to help their patients toilet and this may be required as mom and dad get older. Not only can this include getting to the bathroom on time but doing so in a safe manner.

How much wound care is required?

For elderly patients that are ambulatory, this may not be a necessity, but for those that are bedridden, the real risk of bedsores can be problematic. Being able to identify pressure sores and the proper techniques for healing can be crucial for long-term care.

Am I capable of maintaining their quality of life?

Taking in one or both of your parents who have been independent for their entire lives can lead to tension and conflict. While mom or dad may not argue with they are doctors, they may be more comfortable butting heads with you as their primary caregiver. Walking that line of being a caregiver and keeping them happy and maintaining their quality of life may be difficult.


New Tools for Your Toolbox

If you have answered these questions honestly and truthfully finding the proper care plan is much easier. This can lead to a smoother transition that can keep our aging parents out of long care facilities that can be a hotbed for viruses, such as coronavirus. In some states, Medicaid can actually pay you to be your parent's caregiver. In order to be an effective primary caregiver, you may need:

Incontinence Products

These can include everything from bed pads or adult diapers to minimize soiled linens. Even incontinence alarms can be utilized during sleep. Depending upon your parent's incontinence needs, you may require skin cleansers that are designed to keep sensitive skin clean and dry.

Mobility Aids

When we age our balance and coordination can suffer and this means getting around can be dangerous. Walkers or rollators can help stabilize the elderly as they walk independently. Mobility aids are not just getting around the house. Handrails can help to safely get in and out of the bathtub/shower or even the toilet. You may even be interested in bed rails to maintain a safe environment in the bedroom. Transfers to and from a bed or wheelchair may require something as simple as a gait belt or may require the use of a patient lift to safely transfer mom or dad.

Skin Care

Skin breakdowns can be dangerous and lead to serious health issues such as infections. Keeping our skin clean and moisturized can be very important, especially for those that are bedridden. One great option that can even help maintain a sense of independence is the Essential Medical Lotion EZE Long Handle Lotion Applicator. This gives the user a 14-inch reach to apply lotions or skin cleansers without assistance.

Wound Care Supplies

For those that may be less mobile or bedridden, having supplies on hand that can deal with bedsores can be critical. Wound cleansers can keep dirt and debris out of active wound beds, while antibacterial creams can help prevent infection. A well-stocked first-aid kit should have an assortment of gauze and bandages.

Exercise Aids

Keeping our aging parents active can and will help their overall stability and coordination. This can help minimize the risk of falling and potential hazards such as fractures and broken bones. Simple use of Thera-Band elastic bands can help maintain muscle tone, while a balance board will improve coordination.

Vitamins and Supplements

The intake of vital nutrition is important for our overall health and never has it been more important than when we age. A supplement such as the Zahler Real Multi Brainfood Dietary Supplement can provide the proper nutrition for brain cell health. Always consult your physician before starting any supplement program.


Keeping our aging parents out of nursing homes can be beneficial in the long run for both their health and financial reasons. Understanding what patient care they require can help you design a proper home-based care plan. It may require just a little more thought and design, but you can easily become your parent's, primary caregivers.


Disclaimer: All content found on our website, including images, videos, infographics and text were created solely for informational purposes. Our content should never be used for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of any medical conditions. Content shared on our websites is not meant to be used as a substitute for advice from a certified medical professional. Reliance on the information provided on our website as a basis for patient treatment is solely at your own risk. We urge all our customers to always consult a physician or a certified medical professional before trying or using a new medical product.

HPFY Kevin Cleary

Kevin Cleary

Kevin Cleary has been a Health Products For You contributor for many years and has a degree in marketing. His health and wellness journey has a very personal meaning and has guided him in his content writing for HPFY.

In 2006, ...

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