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Taikhum Sadiq has been a Health Products For You contributor since 2016.
He is an archaeology student and is passionate about learning about the past and how it impacts our future. He believes that enjoying all life has to offer benefits mind and body health and wellness.
An avid traveler, he enjoys sampling different Indian cuisines. He enjoys music, especially the band Queen, calligraphy and reading.
Five Tips for Easy Pulmonary Rehab at Home!
Pulmonary rehabilitation is the routine designed to improve the health of an individual after or while they are affected by a respiratory or pulmonary disorder.
All About Pulmonary Rehabilitation – Covid Rehab For 2022
Pulmonary rehabilitation is an intervention and training program designed to exercise, train, and improve the physical and psychological condition of individuals with chronic respiratory disease and promote the long-term respiratory health of these individuals. Read more
9 Reasons Why You Must Invest Patient-Centered Care
Patient care aids are the items that aid in the process of caring for the patient and making sure that the patient is safe and comfortable during the whole process of treatment. Read about 9 reasons to invest in patient-centered care.
All About Dealing With Infections
Infections are referred to as situations when a foreign body enters the human body and causes complications in bodily functions, harming the person. Learn all about infection control at HPFY.
Safe Patient Handling: What Caregivers Need To Know
Safe patient handling is important not only to the patient but to those who are charged with their care. Keeping the patient safe is paramount to avoid further injury to the patient and the caregiver. Doing things in a dangerous or haphazard manner jeopardizes not only the patient, but the caregiver can also suffer an injury.
Fall Alarms for Elderly: Empowering Elderly Independence and Well-Being
Fall prevention alarms function like normal alarms but are basically equipped well enough to warn someone of a fall. There are various fall restraint alarms, such as pagers, wonder alarms, hair and bed patient alarms, pull cord alarms, etc.
Bathroom Safety: Preventing Fall and Injuries
Falls and injuries can be very dangerous. Ensure bathroom safety with our best bath safety products. READ MORE
Range Of Motion: What Should You Know
When we are healthy, our knees, elbows, wrists, etc., all can bend and flex to their maximum amount. However, their ability to move after an injury or surgery may diminish. Through therapy and exercise, we can regain most, if not all, of our range of motion. These exercises target the joints and surrounding muscles to increase flexibility and strength.
Choosing the Type of Wheelchair Best for You
Manual wheelchairs have always been a popular, affordable mobility aid choice. They are designed to provide mobility to people who do not have enough lower body strength required for walking independently but still have the necessary upper body strength to manually propel their chairs.
A Brief Guide to Bath Safety Rails
Bathroom safety refers to maintaining a safe environment for people with impaired mobility and motor functions, and for the elderly who have a difficult time moving around in the bathroom.
Manual Wheelchairs Vs Power Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs are one of the oldest mobility aids in the world with the birth of this aid being a chair attached to wheels. The basic structure of a wheelchair is the same even today, but technology has lent a helping hand in creating far more superior devices than simple chairs attached to wheels.
Knee Scooters vs Hemi Walkers: Which One To Pick?
Knee and hemi walkers are both mobility aids with very different functioning, but the main idea behind the two is the same: supporting a person while walking. However, Hemi walkers cater to different patients, whereas knee walkers cater to people with injuries and disorders in the leg.