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Buy Ostomy Supplies on Sale – Ostomy Pouches, Ostomy Belts, Ostomy Skin Barriers & More

Ostomy Sale

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What is considered Ostomy Supplies?

When people lose the normal function of the bowel or bladder due to birth defects, diseases, injuries, or any other reason, they undergo ostomy surgery to help restore the normal function of the bowel or bladder. To address this situation, an opening called a stoma is created surgically to eliminate body waste. After having ostomy surgery, things may feel overwhelming to the ostomate but fortunately, living with an ostomy is easier when one has the right ostomy supplies on hand.

HPFY is pleased to offer a huge collection of ostomy supplies to be used by the patients after colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy.

Ostomy supplies consist of various types of ostomy pouches, skin barriers, ostomy belts, ostomy paste, pouch covers, odor removers, appliance cleaners, etc. ostomy supplies are medically necessary for proper maintenance and care of the stoma. We bring ostomy products at a discounted price to ensure that you can take good care of your stoma and live a healthy and productive life.

Types of Ostomy Products

1. One-Piece Ostomy System

In a one-piece ostomy system, the pouch and skin barrier are joined together. One-piece system is safe, cost-effective, easy to apply, and is less visible under clothing. The design simplifies things, but one will need to change both pouch and skin barrier every time. HPFY carries varying types of one-piece systems from top vendors at an affordable price.

2. Two-Piece Ostomy System

In a two-piece ostomy system, the pouch and the skin barrier are separate. Many people prefer a two-piece ostomy system as they do not have to change the skin barrier every time they change this pouch. This system also allows one to choose from varying types of pouches available for their unique needs. This system is ideal for active users. Choose from various types of two-piece ostomy systems available on sale at HPFY.

3. Ostomy Skin Barriers

Skin barriers, also known as flange or wafers, are placed over the stoma that adheres to the skin to form a secured seal around the stoma. The skin barrier is the most vital part of the pouching system protecting the skin from stoma output and keeping the pouch in place. Choose from the numerous options available at a discounted price at HPFY, depending on your stoma, output, and other factors.

4. Ostomy Belts

The ostomy belt provides support to the ostomy appliances and a sense of security to the ostomate. We carry a wide variety of ostomy belts at low prices so that you can move freely and live your life optimally.

We also carry a wide range of ostomy accessories such as ostomy scissors, adhesive removers, barriers rings, pouch covers, odor removes, and much more on sale. Stock up your ostomy supplies available on sale that best suits your requirement and stay worry-free.

5 Top Reviewed Ostomy Care Products

Where to buy Ostomy Supplies on sale?

Health Products For You carries a vast collection of ostomy products from leading manufacturers like Hollister, Coloplast, Convatec, etc., on sale. Place your order today!

Read more about Ostomy Care

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