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Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the thick band of tissue (plantar fascia) that runs across the underside of the heel. People with plantar fasciitis generally experience stabbing pain that occurs when you step down in the morning or after prolonged period of sitting and the pain decreases when you move around.
Plantar fasciitis is common in runners or people who wear shoes with inappropriate support. When excessive pressure or stress is applied on the plantar fascia, small tears occur in the fascia as a result it becomes irritated and inflamed. Ignoring plantar fasciitis can result in chronic pain hindering day to day activities. The person might start limping causing foot, hip, knee or back problems. If left unrelieved or untreated, there is a chance it might damage the muscles and impair walking for a long time.
Conservative and non-invasive treatments can help in getting rid of the pain and inflammation:
Buy products that will ease pain and inflammation of the plantar fascia and prevent it from reoccurring from top vendors like BSN Medical, Brown Medical, Elgin Corporation and many more at HPFY.
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Plantar Fasciitis: Risks and Diagnosis
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common inflammations causing heel pain. A thin, web-like ligament, called as plantar fascia, connects the front of foot to the heel to support arch of the foot and assist in walk.
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Planter fasciitis is a term used for irritation or inflammation of the plantar fascia which is a long, thin ligament that connects the heel to the front of the foot. Plantar fascia supports the arches of your feet and to absorbs the stresses and strains of day to day activities. However, the plantar fasica they may become damaged or torn when too much pressure is applied to the feet.
Plantar fasciitis can be due to some daily life changes that may include increasing mileage for running or walking workouts, walking barefoot on the beach, working long hours on your feet, or spending more than usual time climbing ladders. Weight gain is another common reason that may affect your gait and your feet. It may also be due to the natural aging process.
If the plantar fasciitis is due to some form of injury, there is a mild microscopic tearing that may occur causing inflammation but it is not a complete tear. There may be a chronic overload stretch and microscopic tears of the fascia.
Plantar Fasciitis can be treated with small lifestyle changes. You can also try stretching and exercising, icing, massaging your feet, and wearing night splints. Orthotic inserts are recommended to support the plantar fascia and allow it to heal and also to prevent recurrence of the pain once the plantar fascia has healed. In some cases surgery may be required to heal the problem.