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Oxygen Concentrators for Sale - Stationary & Portable Oxygen Concentrators

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The portable oxygen concentrator is a medical device useful in oxygen therapy. This oxygen concentrator helps in delivering oxygen at higher concentrations of air to maintain the oxygen level in the body specifically for bedridden patients. It works by filtering and compressing air from the environment, delivering purified oxygen continuously or in pulses, depending on the type of device. 

There are two main types of oxygen concentrators: Portable and stationary. Portable concentrators are lightweight, battery-powered, and can also run on AC/DC power, making them ideal for travel. It is easy to carry and is highly useful to accompany as an oxygen partner. 

Along with this portable oxygen concentrator, accessories like nasal cannulas, humidifiers, pulse oximeters, and oxygen cylinders are also used. These portable concentrators are easily powered and can be taken anywhere without hassle.  

What is an oxygen concentrator?

An oxygen concentrator is a device used for oxygen therapy for patients at substantially higher concentrations than that of ambient air. Often concentrators are used to care for bedridden patients. It keeps the level of oxygen in their blood stable and is often called supplemental oxygen.

What does a concentrator do?

An oxygen concentrator for home use compresses air from around the patient to deliver it to them in a purer form. The supply of oxygen is continuous. Unlike an oxygen cylinder, it can never run out as long as the battery is powered or the compressor is plugged into an electrical outlet. Oxygen machines provide a continuous stream of oxygen-enriched air and offer a cost-effective and most preferred at-home or on-the-go treatment.

Buying guide for home oxygen concentrator

You can buy a concentrator depending on your personal preference and needs.

1. Types of concentrators

There are 2 types of home oxygen concentrators - 

Portable oxygen concentrators

Stationary oxygen concentrators

2. Types of oxygen delivery

Oxygen machine for home use is also categorized based on the type of oxygen delivery - 

Continuous flow delivery

Pulse dose delivery

O2 Concentrator - FAQ

1. How does it work?

An oxygen machine takes in the regular air in the room and compresses it using filters and sieve beds to filter out the other gases present, including nitrogen. Concentrated and supplemental oxygen is delivered to the user via an oxygen mask or nasal cannula. 

2. What to use with a concentrator?

2. Who can buy oxygen generator?

As per the guidelines received from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), to buy an O2 concentrator you will need a prescription. Prescriptions can be faxed to 1.203.616.2851 or emailed to [email protected]

3. How to monitor oxygen levels at home?

Oxygen levels are observed with a small device called a pulse oximeter. Pulse oximeters are normally placed on a fingertip. These machines use beams of light to indirectly measure the o2 level in the blood without drawing a blood sample.

4. Concentrator vs. Cylinder - what is the difference?

Concentrators and cylinders are used to deliver oxygen to the patients. However, the difference lies between their methods of functioning.

5. What is the difference between stationary and portable oxygen machines?

Stationary Vs. Portable

Stationary O2 Concentrators   Portable O2 Concentrators
Min. 43dBa and Max. 58dBa Stationary Oxygen Concentrators Vs. Portable Oxygen Concentrators - Which is Best? Min. 40dBa and Max. 45dBa
Heavier than POC Stationary Oxygen Concentrators Vs. Portable Oxygen Concentrators - Which is Best? Lightweight
Confined to in-home use Stationary Oxygen Concentrators Vs. Portable Oxygen Concentrators - Which is Best? Can be carried around on a shoulder
Supports long usage hours in one go Stationary Oxygen Concentrators Vs. Portable Oxygen Concentrators - Which is Best? It will most likely be damaged if used for long hours
Oxygen delivery rate of up to 15 LPM Stationary Oxygen Concentrators Vs. Portable Oxygen Concentrators - Which is Best? Oxygen delivery rate of up to 6 LPM
Stationary Oxygen Concentrators Vs. Portable Oxygen Concentrators - Which is Best?

*Please note that some of the concentrators may or may not have the above-mentioned specs.*

6. What are the safety concerns when using oxygen?

Where can I buy an oxygen concentrator online?

HPFY has been your trusted health and wellness partner since 2002. We carry a variety of oxygen concentrators for sale from manufacturers such as Precision Medical and Inogen, to name a few. These are cost-effective and do their job efficiently. Order today to earn reward dollars on all of your purchases. You can use these reward dollars on your next purchase. 

More On Oxygen Therapy

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Frequently asked questions

An oxygen concentrator is a medical device that delivers pure oxygen into the body of a patient by means of a nasal cannula or mask. It takes in air from the surroundings, compresses it, removes the nitrogen from it via a filter and sieve beds leaving 87-95% of oxygen in the air. This oxygen is then delivered to the patient.

Portable oxygen concentrator is an oxygen therapy device that can easily be carried around. It offers therapy to those who are on the go and need more oxygen concentration than the ambient air level. It is small in size and lightweight. Portable oxygen concentrators can even be carried on-flight by air travelers. An FAA ruling allows FAA-approved portable oxygen concentrators to be carried on US airlines.

Stationary oxygen concentrators are larger and heavier compared to portable oxygen concentrators. They also provide high flow rate and are recommended for patients who require substantial oxygen supply. Stationary oxygen concentrators deliver 3 to 10 liters of oxygen per minute while portable models supply 1 to 5 liters per minute.

There are two types of portable oxygen concentrators - pulse dose and continuous flow. Pulse dose oxygen concentrator is ideal for use in the day time and delivers air through a nasal cannula only when the user inhales. This type is compact and has a greater battery life. On the other hand, a continuous flow oxygen concentrator delivers constant air flow and is ideal for night-time use.

A home oxygen concentrator is safer and more cost-effective when compared to a traditional oxygen cylinder. Now there is no need to carry around heavy and unwieldy oxygen cylinders. Plus, oxygen is readily available with a concentrator and, unlike an oxygen tank, an oxygen concentrator allows unlimited supply of oxygen and the patient can never run out of oxygen. Also, there is no risk of leakage. Another major benefit is the ease with which one can carry it around, even when flying.