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Food provides you with all the essential vitamins and nutrients that is necessary for good health and well-being. Our bodies get proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins that help in keeping it alive and functioning. A variety of foods are required to provide the required amount of nutrients to the body. Food that is enriched with wide amount of nutrients is called a balanced diet. A diet that does not provide balanced nutrition can also bring you to the risk of some diet related diseases. In order to prevent or treat such diseases medical practitioners might recommend nutritional supplements that contain the right amount of vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, enzymes, amino acids etc. that are crucial for the body to work properly.

What are Nutritional Supplements?

Nutritional supplements also known as Dietary supplements are used to add nutrients to your diet or to lower the risk of health problems, like osteoporosis or arthritis. These supplements come in the form of pills, capsules, powders, gel tabs, extracts, or liquids. A nutritional supplement is taken by mouth, and usually contains one or more dietary ingredient (such as vitamins, minerals, fibers, herbs or other plants, amino acids, and enzymes). A doctor’s prescription is not needed to buy nutritional supplements.

Why to take Nutritional Supplements?

Effects of Imbalanced Nutrition

Nutritional supplements come in many forms like tablets, capsules, energy drinks, energy bars etc. They come in a variety of flavors and types like those rich in vitamin D, E, calcium, iron, fiber or those containing certain herbs like echinacea and garlic, or those with probiotics, glucose, and fish oils. However supplements only complete the deficiencies they cannot replace food. They must be taken in conjugation with food to reap the best benefits out of them. At HPFY we bring to you a wide variety of nutritional supplements for your good health and wellbeing. These include:

Pediatric Supplements

These supplements include formulas for those infants and new born babies who cannot take their nutrition from mother’s feed like others. These formulae contain iron, amino acids and much more. Some formulas are made to provide complete balanced nutrition to the babies. Abbott Similac PM 60/40 Low-Iron Infant Formula, Abbott Nutrition Similac Human Milk Fortifier Powder, Nestle Boost Kid Essentials 1.0 Complete Pediatric Nutritional Drink or the Abbott EleCare Amino Acid-Based Infant Formula with Iron, Neocate Splash and many more. You must always consult your doctor before trying any new infant formula with your little one.

Diabetic Formulas

These nutritional supplements are formulated to increase your body’s sensitivity to internal secretion and contain many nutrients that help in stabilizing the sugar levels in the body. These products work to improve metabolism and thereby maintain a healthy weight. Try the Abbott Glucerna 1.5 Cal Specialized Nutrition Drink For Enhanced Glycemic Control and many others for desired results.

Health Drinks

These drinks(Isosource 1.5) include complete meal replacement drinks that can be used by patients to manage their weight. Specialized drinks for patients on dialysis treatment are also available. We also have energy boosting and hydrating drinks for everyday use.

Thickened Food

For patients who suffer from swallowing difficulty due to a health condition known as dysphagia, thickened foods provide proper nutrition along with the desired consistency. Such foods ensure that the food goes directly down the esophagus and does not enter the airway. We have a wide range of food and beverage thickeners and thickened food in many flavors for dysphagia patients. Try the Nestle Boost Very High Calorie, Hormel Thick And Easy Instant Food Thickener or the Hormel Thick And Easy Thickened Apple Juice With Nectar Consistency and many more to get just the desired consistency of food.

Specialty Nutrition Supplements

These supplements are especially formulated for patients suffering from a specific health condition such as renal failure, kidney disease. Also we have nutrition supplements for low iron symptoms, amino acids and ones that provide complete balanced nutrition and many more varieties. We also have a wide range of other supplements like vitamin supplements and weight management supplements for special nutrient needs.

Where to buy Nutritional Supplements online?

Browse our range today! Buy high quality nutrition products from top brands in the market like Abbott, Nestle Nutrition, Nutricia North America, Mead Johnson and many more at attractive prices and hearty discounts on HPFY! Buy now these supplements to extend the life and save big…

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Making A Difference

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