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Proper care is essential for maintaining a tracheostomy and preventing complications. Tracheostomy care is to be done to keep your tracheostomy tube clean. It helps prevent a clogged tube and reduces the risk of infection. Tracheostomy care includes suctioning and cleaning parts of the trach tube and your skin. Your medical provider will guide you on caring for your trach tube and what to do in an emergency.
A Tracheostomy Care Kit is a preassembled set of sterile, single-use equipment that is required for tracheostomy care. These kits consist of three rigid sections for cleaning, soaking, and rinsing, respectively.
The trach kit has all the tools you need to clean the stoma and trach tubing to make the procedure easier and patient-friendly. It includes sterile saline solution or sterile water, a soft-bristled brush, a suction catheter for removing excess mucus, sterile gauze or a tracheostomy dressing for cleaning and covering the stoma site, Medical gloves, a waterproof pad to protect clothing or bedding, a container for holding and disposing of used supplies
Regular cleaning and maintenance will help the patient breathe better, reducing the risk of debris or fluids being aspirated into the lungs. Also, regular care keeps the patient from contracting an easily-avoidable infection.
Tracheostomy care and maintenance is a benign procedure. There is a risk that the tube may be accidentally removed or the airway lost. Seek emergency medical help in any such situation. Try the Covidien Kendall Standard Trach Care Tray with Plastic Forceps and CareFusion AirLife Tracheostomy Kit for effective tracheostomy care.
Buy top-quality Tracheostomy cleaning kits from top manufacturers like Covidien/Medtronic, Cardinal Health Products, Amsino International, etc., at the best prices on HPFY!
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