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Buy Patient Lift Accessories | Patient Transfer


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Patient lifts help in safe patient transfers. They are highly specialized patient care devices that help caregivers in caring for patients who cannot move on their own or lack body strength to do so. For Patient lifts to operate smoothly patient lift accessories are required from time to time. We have wall-mounted brackets, charging stations, hydraulic pumps, patient scales, batteries, thigh straps, mobility sheets, replacement power cords and many more items. Shop for patient lift accessories from top manufacturers like Prism Medical, Aqua Creek Products, Joerns Healthcare, etc.  

Popular patient lift accessories  

At Health Products for You find the best patient lift accessories that are universal or product specific. Popular ones include  

Where to buy best patient lift accessories online?  

Shop for quality accessories and replacement parts for patient lifts to ensure the smooth functioning of patient lifts. Lifting cushions, solar charging systems, lift cradles and carry bars are among other popular accessories that you might want to consider. Be sure to find all patient lift accessories for manual patient lifts, power patient lifts, ceiling lifts and pool lifts at best prices at HPFY! 

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Patient Lift Slings

Sling Buyer's Guide

Kevin Cleary Jan 02,2014

A safe patient transfer requires two things, a patient lift and a sling. There are many variations of slings, all dependent upon a patient’s needs. These slings cradle and lift a person during a transfer between a bed, wheelchair, or