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Without proper diagnostic equipment, proper treatment is impossible. Diagnostic tools let nurses, doctors, and caregivers keep their patient's ENT health in check. Diagnostic sets help in the initial check-up of the ear, eyes, and throat. At HPFY, find the most affordable otoscope and ophthalmoscope and their replacement parts.
An otoscope is a handheld instrument used in otoscopy, i.e., examining the outer ear, eardrum, and ear canal. The device has a light source and magnifying system at one end that help visualize, examine, and discover ear problems.
Otoscopes are available in standard and pocket sizes, ideal for use in various environments.
An ophthalmoscope is used for an ophthalmoscopy exam or eye exam. With these devices, the internal structure of the eyes, blood vessels, and the optic disc is examined to check for abnormalities or eye problems. Otoscopes and ophthalmoscopes are often sold together as diagnostic sets.
A diagnostic set typically contains -
Otoscope is used to do routine check-ups or if a person has -
Similarly, an ophthalmoscope helps a physician detect -
An otoscope is used for ear exams. An otoscope exam is done to check for infections and other ear ailments. An ophthalmoscope is used for examining eyes.
If not used with diligence, an otoscope may damage the eardrum. A person using the otoscope must insert it in the ear with precision and gently. The tip of an otoscope must not get close to the eardrum.
Additionally, make sure you clean the tip properly after every use.
Usually, otoscope exams are painless. However, your ear might hurt a little during an examination if you have an ear infection or other ear problems.
Health Products For You offers a range of otoscopes and ophthalmoscopes for proper diagnosis. We carry individual diagnostic tools as well as sets from top manufacturers such as Graham-Field Health Products, Welch Allyn, Mckesson, etc.
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The Ophthalmologist will dim the lights of the room and ask you to focus on a fixed point on a far wall. Using direct or indirect ophthalmoscopes, the eye doctor will examine the structures of your eye. Sometimes, special drops may be used to “open up” (dilate) your pupils to aid your eye doctor in the exam.
An ophthalmoscope is an instrument used to examine the inside of the eye. There are two types of devices, Direct and Indirect.
The direct ophthalmoscope enables the optometrist to examine a smaller area of retina at a time. The indirect ophthalmoscope enables a greater area of the retina to be viewed at a time but at a lower magnification.
An otoscope or auriscope is a medical device which is used to look into the ears. Doctors use otoscopes to screen for illness during regular check-ups and also to investigate ear symptoms. An otoscope gives a view of the ear canal and tympanic membrane or eardrum.
The normal eardrum appears pinkish-grey in color and is approximately circular in shape.
In comparison to a normal eardrum that appears pinkish-grey in color and is approximately circular in shape. an infected one looks red and swollen.