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Medical Restraints for Sale | Body Restraints


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What are Restraints?

Patient Restraint is designed to ensure the safety of patients prone to falling from the bed. Restraints are useful in both surgical procedures and psychiatric conditions as they protect the patient from the risk of falling from the surgical table or bed and are also useful in avoiding injuries to the patient because of their psychiatric condition. Medical Restraints help the patient from getting hurt or harming others, including their caregivers.

Physical restraint should meet the following criteria

Health Products for You offers a huge collection of patient safety devices such as jackets and vests, limb holders, belt restraints, safety blankets, and many more. These are all the least restrictive restraints and are applied to the patients to protect them and the caregiver from physical harm and help provide treatment to the patient.

Types of Restraints

Vest Restraint

Jacket and vest restraints are placed on the patient's torso over the clothing. They come with long straps at each end that can be tied to the patient's bed or chair outside the patient's reach. These restraints help keep the patient's arms secured to their torso to prevent hurting themselves or the caregiver. The patient cannot remove these restraints on their own. They are made with breathable material that helps keep the patient cool.

Posey Vest Restraint is a versatile restraint vest for bed or chair use, and it features extra-long straps secure with quick-release ties outside the patient's reach.

Limb Holder

Limb holders are designed to limit the motion of the various limbs of people who are at risk of harming themselves or others. Limb holders are soft, padded cuffs wrapped around the patient's wrists or ankles, and the straps are secured to the patient's bed frame, chair, or wheelchair. These restraints are normally used in the intensive care unit patients to prevent disruption of life-saving treatment.

Skil-Care Economy Foam Limb holder is made from Velcro-foam or polyfoam that safely limits the motion of the patient's arms or legs in a bed.

Restraint Belts

Belt restraints are mild medical restraints normally used to prevent falls or immobilize patients for medical and surgical procedures. Patients are secured to chairs, beds, or gurneys with the help of these belts. These belts are normally foam padded to protect the integrity of the patient's skin.

Humane Restraint Ambulatory Locking Wrist-Waist Restraint Belt is designed to secure a person's wrists at the waist. It prevents the movement of the arms and locks for security. It fits juvenile to adult populations to allow controlled interaction.

Restraint Alternatives

Restraint alternatives like safety smocks and safety blankets are used to protect patients with suicidal tendencies. These garments are normally made from tear-resistant material so that people with mental illnesses cannot use them to create a noose to commit suicide.

Humane Restraint Suicide Prevention Safety Smock is made of rugged Quadlan quilted with one-inch box stitches to deter shredding and tearing.

What are the uses of Medical Restraints?

Body restraints are used for different purposes that are mentioned below:

Things to Remember while applying Restraints

FAQs About Physical Restraint

How to use restraints?

How often should restraints be removed?

Restraints should be removed every 2 hours for a range of motion, toileting, and offer of fluids.

What is required before applying a patient restraint to a person?

Before using a restraint order from the patient's physician must be obtained. The physician must visibly assess the patient within 24 hours after the restraints are applied.

Where to buy Patient Restraints Online?

HPFY features an extensive range of safe and reliable physical restraints to prevent injuries from falls and safeguard patients from harming themselves or the caregiver and cooperating with the treatment. These are from experienced patient safety products manufacturers like Humane Restraint, Medline Industries, Skil Care, and many more.

Our Best Selling Restraints

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