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Health Benefits Of Gooseberry

Mouth ulcers happen for a lot of reasons, like indigestion, infection etc. Mix gooseberry juice (amla) in water and gargle twice a day.

Studies have shown it to be quite beneficial for diabetic patients. Ask your doctor about adding gooseberry with turmeric powder or honey.

An amazing natural source of vitamin C and easily absorbed by the body. Instead of using vitamin C supplements and pills, try dried gooseberry.

Need a cold or sore throat remedy? Mix 2 tsp of gooseberry powder in 2 tsp honey and take 3 to 4 times in a day.

Gooseberry has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to relieve joint pain and swelling. Take raw gooseberry powder (amla) or juice every morning.

Improves digestion and reduces constipation when used daily.
