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Buy Closed System Catheter | Self Catheterization Kit | Self Catheter


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Closed system catheters are self-contained catheter systems comprising a sterile, pre-lubricated catheter within a collection bag. This eliminates the need to hook the catheter tubing to a urinary drainage bag thus minimizing risks of bacterial infections and reducing time spent on maintenance of a separate drainage bag. Closed system catheters are ready for use once out of the packaging. Closed system catheters require minimum handling and can be inserted without actually touching the tube. Hence it is also referred to as “touchless”. We offer a wide range of closed system catheters with varying features and options to choose from.

Benefits of Self Catheter

What is an Introducer Tip?

Most catheters in the closed system have a soft introducer tip at one end. This tip keeps the pre-lubricated catheter protected from bacterial infection during insertion because the first few millimeters of the urethra have the most bacteria. The introducer tip is a sheath made of silicone and around 5/8th of an inch in length. This tip goes in first into the urethra and the catheter goes through it into the bladder thus avoiding touching the urethra.

Self-Catheterization Kit Features

Top-Reviewed Self Catheter Kits

  1. Coloplast Self-Cath Closed System Intermittent Catheter
  2. Cure Catheter Unisex Straight Tip Single Closed System 
  3. Bard Touchless Plus Unisex Intermittent Catheter With 1100cc Collection Bag

Where to buy the Closed System Catheter online?

Health Products For You carries a vast collection of closed system catheters in varying sizes and styles that allow smooth and touch-free insertion. We offer self catheters with different tips, such as straight, coude, olive, and tapered, from leading manufacturers like Teleflex, Coloplast, Bard, Hollister, etc., at the best prices. Place an order for all your urological supplies that will be delivered to your doorstep without hassle.

Read more about Self-Catheterization

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Catheter Types

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Frequently asked questions

A closed system catheter is a self-contained, pre-lubricated and sterile catheter that includes an attached collection bag. During insertion, the user does not need to pull out and handle the catheter thus exposing it to bacteria but has to merely advance the tubing out of the bag and glide it into the urethra till it reaches the bladder.

The closed catheter system has a:

  • Catheter cap
  • Pre-lubricated catheter
  • Introducer tip
  • Collection bag with gradient markings
  • Assorted insertion supplies

During catheter insertion, the introducer tip bypasses the initial few millimeters of the urethra where maximum number of bacteria reside. The introducer tip takes the catheter through the urethra and into the bladder without allowing it to be exposed to harmful elements thus reducing the risk of infection.

Closed system catheters provide extra protection from bacterial infections, etc., and make for easy catheterization because of the attached urinary bag. They are ideal for patients who are wheel chair-bound or have limited mobility. The attached urinary bag rules out the hassle of attaching a bag to the catheter tubing for those who are always on the go.