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Exercise products can be used for strength, rehab, coordination and balance training. Bands and tubing are an economical solution for exercising; hand and finger products are a standard in facilities; putty, weights, pedal exercisers and pulleys, round out this category. Cable attachments are connected with strength training equipments. Buy cable attachments at HealthProductsForYou.Com to tone, build & strengthen muscles throughout the upper and lower body. These cable attachments are easy to use and attach simply with a carabiner clip. Choose from a range of Cable attachments like tricep ropes, bars, ankle cuffs, nylon straps and d-handle grips, range of attachments for use with exercise tubing and bands are available at HPFY.
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Exercise and Rehabilitation: Similar but Different
Obviously, everyone can benefit from daily exercise as a key to overall health, but rehabbing after an injury or illness requires specially trained therapists to guide us through what we need. Working together with our doctor and therapists allows us
Exercising Your Core Muscles
Any exercise you do is beneficial, but when you exercise your core muscles it can have a greater effect than some others. Our core muscles influence other parts of our body. The larger muscles in our body help with balance
Exercising Your Hand and Fingers
The ability to have a firm grasp on the world around us cannot be emphasized enough, but doing so without pain is even more important. Sometimes due to an injury or arthritis we can experience diminished range of motion and