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Amplified Phones enable users to have clearer, louder and more understandable telephonic conversations. They are especially designed for people with hearing impairment or loss. These telephones are full of unique features like caller ID, speaker phones, number memory, big buttons and loud volume for customized user needs. Mostly all the hard of hearing telephones come with volume controls so that users can turn the volume up and adjust the frequency to better fit their hearing requirements. Health Products For You offers a wide range of amplified phones from different manufacturers like Clearsounds Communications, Clarity USA, Serene Innovations, Future Call and Amplicom, etc.
Phones for seniors are designed with simplicity and accessibility in mind, offering features that cater specifically to their needs. From amplified sound to large, easy-to-read displays, these phones are built to enhance communication and make everyday use more convenient.
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Technology for the Vision Impaired
We live now in an era of rapidly advancing technology. Just a few decades ago a computer in your home would be a pipe dream. Now we have smart phones that have more computing power than some of the early
Telephony for the Hearing Impaired
As the old commercial states “reach out and touch someone,” but as we age phoning a friend or family member can become a little more difficult. Hearing loss can make everyday conversations, watching TV, or simply calling a grandchild a
Hear the World Around You
It’s pretty common that as we get older we find it harder to hear the television, radio, or even a conversation that we are taking part in. Sometimes background noise may interfere with us hearing a discussion at a restaurant