When you exhale through the device, you will feel very quick pulses of resistance against your exhaled breath. These pulses of resistance hold your airways open and help shake the excess mucus loose, pushing it out of the smaller airways; it can then be coughed out. The degree of resistance can be changed depending on your comfort level. There is a valve inside the Aerobika OPEP device that switches quickly between higher and lower resistance creating positive pressure inside your airways. If you have nebulizer treatments, your healthcare professional may even opt to combine them with your OPEP therapy to reduce therapy time and improve patient compliance.
What Is An Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy System (OPEP)?
An Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy System, or OPEP device, is designed to aid in the loosening and removal of mucus buildup in the lungs. You may need OPEP treatments if you have a lung disease such as cystic fibrosis or COPD where your lungs need help keeping up with the amount of mucus produced each day. OPEP therapy is done by inhaling and exhaling through the device several times, then Huff Coughing to remove the loosened mucus.
User Manual
Instructions for Use
How OPEP help in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?
- Reduced dyspnea
- Increased gas distribution to previously unventilated areas
- Reduced hyperinflation (gas trapping)

What Is Huff Cough?
Huff Cough will help move mucus up and out of your lungs. Just like when you use your breath to create fog on a mirror, you would take a short, shallow breath and exhale forcefully with your mouth in an O shape.
How to use Aerobika?
1. Examine the Aerobika device.
2. Choose any orientation.
3. Insert mouthpiece.
4. Inhale deeply and hold your breath for 2 to 3 seconds.
5. Exhale for 3 to 4 times longer than the inspiratory breath.
6. Continue for 10 to 20 breaths or as instructed by your health care provider. Perform 2 to 3 Huff coughs to clear the airway.
7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for 10 to 20 minutes or as prescribed.
How to clean Aerobika OPEP Device?

1. Press tabs to release.

2. Remove the valve cartridge and mouthpiece.

3. Soak for 15 minutes in soapy water, agitate gently, and rinse.

4. Shake out water and dry vertically or place in a dishwasher in a basket on top rack after performing cleaning instructions 1 and 2.

5. Reassemble device.
What is Aerobika used for?
People who have:
- Chronic bronchitis
- Bronchiectasis
- COPD and cystic fibrosis often produce an excessive amount of mucus.
Aerobika Contraindications: Use of the Aerobika OPEP is not recommended for the following conditions:
- Patients unable to tolerate the increased work of breathing (acute exacerbations of asthma or COPD, neuromuscular weakness)
- Intracranial pressure (ICP) > 20 mm Hg
- Hemodynamic instability (blood pressure instability)
- Recent facial, oral, or skull surgery or trauma
- Acute sinusitis
- Epistaxis (bleeding nose)
- Esophageal surgery
- Nausea
- Active hemoptysis (bleeding from lungs)
- Untreated pneumothorax (untreated collapsed lung)
- Known or suspected tympanic membrane rupture or other middle ear pathology
Monaghan Aerobika FAQs
1. How often should I use my Aerobika Device?
Each treatment of 10-20 minutes should be done at least twice a day. The goal is to create little or no mucus every day, which ensures that your lungs are clean. You need to use your Aerobika Oscillating PEP more often if you are causing a lot of mucus.
2. Do you need a prescription for Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy System?
No prescription is required. But consult a professional if any problem persists.
3. How do you do a Huff Cough?
- Sit up straight, with your chin slightly turned up and your mouth open.
- Take a long, deep breath to fill three-quarters of your lungs.
- For two or three seconds, hold your breath.
- In a continuous exhalation, exhale vigorously but slowly to transfer mucus from the smaller to the larger airways.
- Repeat this maneuver two more times and then proceed to clear mucus from the wider airways with one strong cough.
- Do a cycle of four to five huff coughs as part of your airway clearance.
4. Can the Aerobika OPEP device be used with the mask?
We do not recommend using a mask. In order to maintain a good seal, an unvented mask would need to be used. These types of masks have soft, flexible edges to make it easier to prevent leaks. However, the same properties that make them ideal for creating a seal may also impact the effectiveness of the treatment you are giving. The patient would still need to hold the mask and device for the duration of treatment, so we recommend use with a mouthpiece.
5. How long can the Aerobika OPEP device be used?
The recommended replacement period for the device is 12 months. If prescribed during a hospital stay, the device can be taken home by the patient for continued use. 30-day post-discharge data has shown this can reduce readmissions for COPD exacerbations and post-operative patients by 28% and 39% respectively.