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The food we provide to our pets must contain specific levels of protein, fat, minerals and vitamins according to the age of the pet. Small pets with a low-activity level need about 185 to 370 calories per day. While large pets that weigh between 67 to 88 pounds need around 1,000 to 2,000 calories a day. The feed must be chosen according to the activity level and gender. Yet most of the pets are often overfed. Buy supplements from well-known manufacturers like Ark Naturals , Dr. Goodpet, Earth Animal  and many more that provide a balanced nutrition and improve immunity and strength for the health and wellness at all stage of your pet's life.

Are Pet Supplements helpful?

Pet supplements containing fatty acids can help your pet’s coat look better. Fish oil is said to reduce inflammation. Certain antioxidants reduce inflammation like vitamins C and E. They also help old dogs with memory problems. But Vets are sometimes cautious to prescribe supplements to pets very young. Commonly used supplements include those with multivitamins or supplements that support arthritic joints. Fatty acids are good to reduce shedding and provide a shining coat. Probiotics are good for alleviating gastrointestinal problems. Antioxidant rich supplements counteract the aging problems like cognitive dysfunction. HPFY brings to you a range of pet supplements like Ark Naturals Sea Mobility Joint Rescue Jerky for arthritic joints, Ark Naturals Gentle Digest Prebiotic And Probiotic Capsules for gut health, Dr. Goodpet Treatamin Vitamin For Pets for providing necessary vitamins and many more to keep your pets healthy and shining.

Can Pet supplements be dangerous?

There is a possibility that pet supplements might harm your pet. If the animal already consumes a balanced diet, excess portions of some vitamins or minerals can be harmful. A high amount of calcium can result in skeletal problems. Vitamin A excess may cause dehydration and joint pain along with blood vessel damage. Vitamin D if provided in large quantities can cause a loss of appetite, harm the bones and cause muscle atrophy.  


Most commercial pet foods provide a complete, balanced diet that includes necessary vitamins and minerals to pets. Those pets who are fed a homemade diet need dietary supplements. It is always better to check with a veterinarian or pet nutritionist to determine whether any supplement is needed and if yes than which one and in what quantity.

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