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Non-Slip Products like mats and netting are used in a variety of tasks in kitchen and around the house. They hold objects like plates, mixing bowls, glasses, office equipments, etc. in place and allow for one-handed operations. Non-slip products are ideal for people with arthritis, poor grip and other disabilities. They add extra security to slippery areas and keep items firmly in place on flat surfaces. Health Products For You offers non slip sheet material from various top-selling manufacturers like Dycem Ltd, Jaeco Orthopedic, Patterson Medical, Skil Care Corporation, etc., to provide a safe and secure platform to users and prevent risks of accidents.
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Device Holders For Limited Finger Dexterity
For some people performing a simple task like holding a spoon, writing with a pen and doing anything that involves the use of fingers can be a big and sometimes painful task.
Helping the House
There are a number of activities that one does when in the house. From cooking, cleaning, and washing, to eating, reading, and working, all these activities require a number of tools and gadgets. But many a time, one gadget isn’t
Raising the Height
It happens often that we make a piece of furniture according to our current needs and later one we need the furniture to be a bit bigger, shorter, taller, and what not. But since we aren’t wizards, once a piece