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Buy AAC Device | Assistive Communication Devices for Speech Therapy

Choose from tools and systems for children and adults, who are unable or reluctant to use their voices. Help to encourage social interaction and greater independence in virtually any environment.

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What is AAC?

AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) is communication devices, systems, and tools that replace or support natural speech that help an individual with speech or language impairment to communicate verbally. AAC devices are often called speech-generating devices or assistive communication devices. AAC can help augment or supplement communication or serve as an alternative to communication for people who have difficulty producing oral speech. The best part of AAC is that children with severe physical disabilities such as visual problems can also operate them. People use AAC temporarily or long-term based on their circumstances. AAC methods may vary and can be personalized to meet each individual’s needs.

Health Products for You offers AAC devices and systems for people of various ages and a wide range of disabilities. These devices help improve communication, speech, and quality of life. Please browse our catalog and pick a product that best suits your needs!

Who uses AAC devices?

People with the following health conditions may benefit from AAC:

How do AAC devices work?

AAC devices allow users to communicate through a combination of words, sentences, and pictures. Additionally, the user can also communicate by typing or drawing, sharing pictures, and pre-recorded voices. By using these tools, children can express what they want in several different ways. These devices enable kids to practice speech and comprehension through videos, quizzes, and a series of activities. Users with impaired speech can still stay connected with their loved ones through videos that boost their self-esteem and offer a sense of independence.

Benefits of AAC

Assistive communication devices at HPFY

  1. GoTalk 20+ Communicator has a capacity of 100 messages, 20 keys, five recording levels, 15 minutes recording time, and five core messages which enable a person to communicate with ease.
  2. Big Talk Assistive Technology Communicator helps record a message, song, or joke that can then be replayed at the touch of a switch.
  3. Alimed Daily Communicator features 300 uncluttered pictures, which aid adults or older children with limited verbal skills, but the ability to read at a word level.

Where to Buy Speech-Generating Devices Online?

Buy AAC devices and systems at Health Products For You to aid people who cannot use verbal speech for communication. These revolutionary products are from industry leaders like Attainment Company, Enabling Devices, Ablenet, and many more.

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