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Frequently Asked Questions
The product must be maintained at normal room temperature, e.g., 68-80° F. The reason is that the shelf life of the product is based on the best estimate of the time when certain changes may occur at normal temperatures.
There is no difference in the incidence of constipation or other gastrointestinal symptoms when an infant is given iron-fortified vs. a low-iron formula.
We carry nutritional supplements for premature or low-birth weight infants and for toddlers, too. There are infant formulas for sensitive tummies, for those who require low-iron formula, for children with gas problem, for diarrhea and food for babies with fat malabsorption problems.
If a baby is gaining weight at a normal rate he is getting enough food. If a baby sleeps three to four hours between feedings he is getting enough. An average baby takes 2-3 oz. per feeding between one and two weeks of age, and about six to eight ounces by the end of the third month. Overfeeding may cause symptoms of vomiting, colic, gas and diarrhea. It may also create a habit of over eating which may persist into adult life and lead to obesity.
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