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Circle left heel up, staying in a lunge with hands on right thigh. From there, learn chest forward onto thigh & put hands straight behind back. Here, in space shuttle position, begin your countdown: “10,9,8…” Once you hit 1, launch right foot off the ground and use the strength in your left leg to come to standing.
Transaction from table top into a lunge position with right foot in front, spinning left heel down and angling left foot out slightly to come into road warrior one (a.k.a. warrior pose). Lift arms overhead, keeping the muscles engaged like you’re squeezing an invisible beach ball between your hands.
Transaction back to road warrior one with torso and hips facing right foot. Now is when you enter the ring: With all your force, punch right hand forward while left hand is refracted by your torso. Then switch hands.
In table top position, lift right arm and left leg straight out, parallel to the ground. Hold for 5 breaths, engaging core. Repeat, lifting left arm and right leg. Do each side 3 times.