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Olive Oil A Saviour For Summer Skin Problems


Relieve a sunburn

Soothe your red, parched skin by mixing equal parts of olive oil and water and apply to the affected area. For blisters, make a compress of warm olive oil and chamomile tea. Remember to never use olive oil as suntan oil because it does not contain any sunscreen.

Make your own face & body scrub

Your body sheds skin cells at an amazing rate every day. If you don’t exfoliate, your skin can look dull and dry, no matter how much moisturizer you use. Mix a small amount of olive oil with ½ teaspoon of sugar. Apply to the face and body, being careful not to exfoliate under the eyes, and then rinse off.

Nourishes and softens skin

After exfoliating, use straight olive oil or mix some with your favorite lotion and apply to your skin. Do this before you go to sleep so your skin can rejuvenate overnight.

Olive oil soap

Due to its emollient and soothing effects, olive oil soap softens and moisturizes the skin as it cleanses.
