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ChairPro Seat Belt Alarm System combines a wheelchair belt with an alarm for double wheelchair safety. The belt attaches to the chair and provides security while the user is seated. To assist long-term acre facilities in maintaining a restraint-free environment, Skil-Care has selected a durable buckle that most wheelchair users easily release. When the buckle is opened, an alarm is activated.
Sealt Belt Alarm With Grommets User Manual
1. Remove the rearmost screws from the left and right sides of the wheelchair seat. (Illustration D)
2. Remove the grommets from the screws, place screws through the grommets at the ends of both belt sections, and refasten the screws to the wheelchair seat. (Illustration E)
3. Select either hole in belt depending upon desired length, closer holes will yield a shorter length, holes closet to the end will yield a longer length.
4. Attach the two “spade” connectors on the connector wire to those on the seat belt. (Illustration F) Note, that for removable arm wheelchairs it may be easier to install the belt after the arm is removed.
5. Place connector cord through the space between the wheelchair seat and backrest. Make certain that it is away from wheels and other moving parts.
If W=Width of the Geri-Chair (Geri) or Wheelchair (WC), add that to the length (B) of the belt and compare this number to the residents belt size, see diagram.
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