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Mangar Camel Lifting Cushion Size Chart Mangar Camel Lifting Cushion Mangar Camel Lifting Cushion

Mangar Camel Lifting Cushion

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Mangar Camel Lifting Cushion is designed to lift a person from the floor with the help of care giver. It is designed for the purpose of both sit up and lift a fallen person. With an inbuilt backrest and internal ring construction, the Camel Lifting Cushion offers a fully supportive lift that can be carried out entirely independently by the faller. The Mangar Lifting Cushion can be used anywhere, indoors or outside, and will lift a fallen person with dignity while protecting both the carer and the person being lifted from injury.

Why choose Mangar Camel Lifting Cushion?

How The Mangar Camel Cushion Works

  • Is Inflatable
  • Mangar Camel is Battery operated
  • Airflo controlled
  • Protects staff and reduces Cost
  • Is Appropriate for any age
  • Enhances independent living
  • Maintains patient dignity
  • Minimizing moving & handling risks
  • Packs away into a compact and discreet bag
  • Reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders



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Features Of Mangar Camel Lifting Cushion

Easy to use Lifting Cushion

  • Lifting cushion is inflated using an Airflo Compressor using a simple hand control
  • Simple to use, requiring very little training
  • Can be used independently or assisted
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor use

Safe lifting Mangar Cushion

  • Lifts the frailest person up to 50 stone / 320 kg from the floor
  • Backrest give additional support and is particularly suitable for plus size or bariatric patients
  • Stable and supportive

Simple to maintain Camel Cushion

  • Can be cleaned using a proprietary nonabrasive mild liquid cleaner
  • Easy to deflate, fold away and store - carry bag provided
  • Does not need a LOLER certificate

Mangar Camel Cushion Improves Wellbeing

  • Provides a safe, dignified lift for a fallen person
  • Individuals with a cognitive impairment are less distressed when lifted with a Camel
  • Reduces the risk of musculoskeletal injury for the caregiver
  • Backrest gives additional support and is particularly suitable for plus size or bariatric patients

Mangar Camel Cushion User Instructions

Key Benefits Of Emergency Lift Cushion

Reduced risk of musculoskeletal injuries to staff and the associated costs including

  • Agency staff to cover absenteeism
  • Recruitment costs through staff loss
  • Compensation claims

Reduced disruption when a resident falls

  • Quick access to outside areas and confined spaces such as toilets, bedrooms and hallways
  • A dignified lift reduces upset to the fallen person and other residents
  • Residents with dementia or a cognitive impairment remain calmer when lifted with a lifting cushion than with other manual handling devices.

Improved productivity

  • Staff who pick up a musculoskeletal injury lifting residents can become resistant to further manual handling task
  • The lifting cushions reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injury
  • Uninjured fallen residents can be lifted without the need to wait for an ambulance. This frees staff up to continue with their duties, rather than spend time sitting with the resident who has fallen
  • Residents who are uninjured could wait up to seven hours for an ambulance

Who uses Mangar Lifting Cushion?

  • Camel have been used in a range of settings, such as care homes, housing associations, hospitals, telecare response teams, emergency services and in the community.
  • Mangar lifting cushions reduce the risk of injury to healthcare professionals including care assistants, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and paramedics.
  • Controlled, safe and dignified lift provided by the lifting cushion means it is particularly useful for lifting fallen people in the following environments:
    • Elderly Care
    • EMI nursing and care homes
    • Rehabilitation facilities
    • Dementia Care
    • Bariatric Care
    • Ambulance and first response services
    • In the home

What to buy with Mangar Lifting Cushion?

How to use Camel Lifting Cushion?

  1. Mangar Camel Lifting Cushion - How To UseAssess - The lifting cushions can be used once you have established the fallen resident is uninjured but needs help to return to their feet. Please follow your organisations manual handling guidelines when lifting a fallen person.
  2. Position - In many cases, the patient is able to shuffle backwards onto the Camel independently. If this is not possible, from the recovery position, the carer places the Camel directly behind the person with the Camel badge in line with their head. The carer should then position a slidesheet lengthways under the person to enable them to be easily manoeuvred onto the Camel. The slidesheet is then removed.
  3. Inflate - Simple to set up, lifting cushions inflate at the touch of a button, using an Airflo Plus compressor. The four coloured and numbered airlines are simply connected to each section of the lifting cushion. The handset is operated by pressing and holding numbered buttons in sequence. The Airflo will stop automatically once each section is fully inflated. Three sections will usually be sufficient to enable transfer but a taller person may need all four.
  4. Transfer - The resident can be helped to a stand or side transferred to a chair once the lift is completed. When using lifting cushions always follow your organisations manual handling guidelines.

Specifications Of Mangar Camel Cushion



Inflated Seat Height


Inflated Seat Width


Inflated Seat Depth


Inflated Backrest Height


Inflated Backrest Width


Deflated and rolled

Length: 30"
Diameter: 8"

Maximum air pressure


Max / Min temperature

+50°C / -15°C

Product Weight (deflated)


Maximum user Weight 700lbs (50 stone)  
Deflated rolled dimensions 30.5" x 8"
Overall Inflated Length 44"


Mangar Cushion Warranty

Detailed Mangar Warranty Information

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