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Baseline Plastic Scoliosis Meter

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3.5" x 7.5"

SKU 12-1099
$58.99 Each
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Baseline Plastic Scoliosis Meter measures the degree of rotation of a deformity of the back. Scoliosis Meter can detect scoliosis and abnormal anteropostero curve. It also measures the unstable lumbosacral, cervical and thoracic curves. The scale measures in centimeters, inches, and degrees. Baseline Scoliosis Meter comes with a storage pouch.


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- The person should stand straight, view him/her from behind
- Ask the person to extend his arms forward and place hands together with palms flat against each other
- Ask the person to bend forward slowly. When the shoulders are level with the hips, stop. Look at the patient from the front and back. Your eyes should be at the same level as the back for best evaluation. Note any rib elevation and/or asymmetry in the lower back
- Adjust the persons bending position to the level where the deformity of the spine is most pronounced, noting that everyone will be different. For example,a curve low in the lumbar spine will require that the person bend further forward than the one which is present in the thoracic or upper spine
- Place the Baseline Scoliosis Meter across the deformity at right angles to the body, with the marked over the top of the spinous process Do not push down. Let the Baseline Scoliosis Meter rest gently on the skin. Read the number of degrees of rotation
- NOTE: If there is asymmetry in both the upper and lower back, two (2) Scoliosis Meter readings will be necessary. The curves will almost always go in opposite directions with the one in the thoracic spine usually to the right and the other in the lumbar spine usually to the left
- If the reading on the Scoliosis Meter is 7 degrees or more at any level of the spine, the screening examination is considered positive. Further medical evaluation is necessary for people in this category. Lesser degrees of rotation may or may not indicate a mild degree of scoliosis. Immediate referral is not necessary; however, in such cases re-screening is recommended within three to six months
- Record findings on the Spinal Screening Program Form which is available from the Scoliosis Research Society
- A change of 3 degrees of more of a measurement indicates possible curve progression. A change of 2 degrees or less usually indicates only minor variation in posture. It should be noted that in some patients, curve progression may occasionally occur without a change in the clinical measurement.

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