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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions On Rollators

Three wheeled triangular frames are sometimes referred to as ''Delta'' or ''tri-wheeler frames''. They consist of a single front swivel castor and two uni-directional rear wheels. The larger wheels make rollators suitable for outdoor use. They offer greater maneuverability than four wheeled walkers, but are not as stable. For Safety the user must exercise care while stopping. Brakes must be applied carefully.

  • Four wheeled walkers allows a person to adopt a more fluent walking pattern. 
  • Large wheels or large swiveling castors are appropriate for travelling. However, four wheeled walkers may be too mobile for people who are at a learning stage or who push against the frame for support. 
  • These walkers are suitable for both outside and inside use.

It is crucial to keep the following points in mind before selecting a 4 wheeled walker. The height should not be too high as the user may find it difficult to bear weight through their arms as their elbows may not straighten. The height should not be too low the user will lean forwards creating a poor posture and back problems. However, for people with backward leaning tendency a walker with a slightly shortened height must be selected to encourage the forward leaning posture. Do remember to wear supportive footwear while being measured for height.

Features to consider while choosing a rollator include:

  • The breaking mechanism:There are many types of breaks available. Pressure brakes are operated by applying a downward pressure on a spring-loaded frame. Cable brakes are similar to bicycle brakes and require a squeezing action and to apply them so they may not be suitable for users with weak or painful hands. Locking brake lever handles can be pushed down to lock the brakes so that the grip does not have to be maintained continuously. Moulded plastic or foam rubber handgrips are used in most rollators. However, this may not be suitable for people with weak hands.
  • .Weight bearing capacity: The stability and sturdiness of these frames must be checked before purchase.
  • Weight of the rollator: The rollator must be light to carry. However heavy weighing rollators ofer a greater stability.
  • Seat: Rollators with seats are great for travel. Those who get tired easily and frequently must opt for rollators with seats.

A transport rollator is great for those looking for independence and assisted mobility at the same time. Transport Rollator can be ambulated independently or is pushed by a caregiver. Transport rollators combine the utilities of a transport chair and rollator in a single unit. They are designed for smooth transition from a rollator to a transport chair. A Rollator transport chair comes with a padded seat that can be positioned in either directions depending on whether the person is being pushed or self-ambulating.

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