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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions On Paraffin Therapy

Paraffin treatment is developed to provide pain relief to hands, feet and sore joints and muscles. This treatment uses warm oil-based wax and has skin-softening benefits as well.

The benefits of paraffin therapy are as follows: 

  • Soothes chronic joint pain and relaxes stiff muscles
  • Improves blood flow to the treated area
  • Increases range of motion for people with arthritis, bursitis and other chronic conditions that cause pain and stiffness
  • Smooth and soften dry, chapped, rough and scaly skin
  • Helpful for chronic skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis

Paraffin wax has a low melting point and therefore is safe for your skin.

For people with diabetes, heat sensitivity or numbness in hands or those who suffer from poor blood circulation, paraffin treatment may not be suitable. It should be avoided if you have any sore, rash or infection in the hands.

Paraffin therapy works by opening the pores and removing the dead skin cells that will rejuvenate the appearance of your skin and make your hands and feet feel silky and smooth.

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