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Enzymes in the glucose strips break down over time. The activity of enzymes can decrease following exposure to humidity or extreme temperatures. This can alter the accuracy of glucose readings even before a scheduled expiration date. Subsequently, errors can begin to appear with rogue readings of either a high or low nature. Because the enzymes break down, manufacturers therefore place an expiration date on the strips.
Diabetes Test Strips are good for 6 months after you open the bottle or until the date of expiry, whichever comes first. The strips have an 18 month life span and it is estimated that once they arrive at the retailer they have 14 to 16 months left.
Yes, you can purchase blood glucose test strips over the counter online without any prescription.
No, Glucose test strips can not be reused. It becomes difficult to get a diabetic test strip in the condition that it can be reused and still provide an accurate blood sugar reading for you. In case you reuse a test strip and believe that your glucose level is okay, but your blood sugar is actually high, you could develop some of the dangerous side effects caused by diabetes.