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Articles and News

Daily Aids Category

Organic Skin Care

Natural Skin Care in Winter

As the winter approaches the skin starts getting dry and sometimes flaky.During this time it is always better to go natural on skin.

Device Holders

Device Holders For Limited Finger Dexterity

For some people performing a simple task like holding a spoon, writing with a pen and doing anything that involves the use of fingers can be a big and sometimes painful task.

Hip Kits

Guide – Hip Kits and Accessories

For hip replacement, an artificially created part is replaced with the damaged one.

Relaxation and Leisure

Gifts for the Senses

The sight of a glorious sunrise/sunset or the smell of a fragrant flower enhances our enjoyment of the world around us.


Drinking and Eating Made Easier

There are very few things in this world that we must do, but eating and drinking is one of them.

Book Holders and Page Turners

Book Holders: Ease the Reading

The book holders can range from adjustable to folding, along with floor stand to complete kit.

Writing Aids

Aids For Effortless Writing

Some people face difficulty in writing. This can be because of limited dexterity, arthritis or many other medical reasons. There are different ways to fix the affected hand grip.

Low Vision Aids

Daily Living Aids for the Elderly

It’s incredibly easy when you’re younger to take for granted the minutia of everyday life. As we get older, many of the things that came easy now become more difficult. Everything from walking to just going to the bathroom can become a major task as we age. Even ego and vanity can lead to our older relatives or friends possibly creating a dangerous environment for everyday life.


Nutritional Needs during Pregnancy

Having balanced diet is important and it is more important when you’re pregnant. The baby inside you gets the nutrient from what you eat. Essentially increase the consumption of foods that are rich in protein, Vitamin D, iron, calcium and folate. Make these nutrients your top priority to nourish the baby inside you.

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Healthcare for Men

Best Penis Extenders for 2024: Your Buying Guide To Choose The Right One

With so many products, which one would the best penis extender for you? To help you narrow your options and make an informed decision, here are our best devices that can help with penis enlargement. READ MORE.

Diapers and Wipes

5 Best Baby Wipes for Sensitive Skin

Finding good baby wipes that are good for your baby's soft and supple skin is difficult, especially with so many options available. Hence, to make sure you are well-equipped with the right information to choose the best baby wipes, here are five available options at HPFY.

Wound Management

How to Manage Cavity Wounds with Wound Fillers

Treating cavity wounds needs to be done properly and safely. How do I manage this type of wound? What are wound fillers? We have the information you need. READ MORE


Dealing With Health Anxiety: 12 Tips On How To Stop Being A Hypochondriac

Hypochondria is a recognized mental health anxiety condition that is often treated with cognitive behavior therapy and medication in some cases. It can cause major distress and make everyday life overwhelming. Because hypochondria is an anxiety disorder, treating and managing this health issue focuses on strategies to manage anxiety and improve quality of life. READ MORE.

Golfer's Elbow

5 Best Golfer's Elbow Braces

Bracing or splinting the elbow reduces any strain on the tendons & allows the joint to rest properly. Here are HPFY's 5 best Golfer's elbow braces. READ MORE.

Insomnia Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia and Sleep: How To Cope With Sleep Issues

Fibromyalgia and sleep issues go hand-in-hand for many fibromyalgia patients. When you combine fatigue, pain, and insomnia, quality of life can be greatly diminished. Not getting proper sleep can also contribute to the symptoms. READ MORE to dive deeper into the connection of fibromyalgia and sleep issues and some ways to manage them.

Mental Well Being

How To Stop Worrying About Everything

If you feel as though you worry too much about things, you are not alone. Let's look at some ways to combat this persistent anxiety. Here is how to stop worrying about everything.


7 Tips To Manage Exercise-Induced Asthma

Having problems and experiencing nausea after working out can make staying active difficult, but exercise-induced asthma should not come in the way of your passion for fitness. To help you get past this condition and remain in the pink of health, here are some tips to manage asthma induced by exercise. READ MORE.

Alzheimer’s or Dementia

7 Tips To Cope With Sundowners Syndrome

Sundowner's syndrome is a condition where symptoms tend to worsen when the sun goes down in the late afternoon and evening. There are ways to combat sundowner's syndrome to help manage the symptoms and improve overall well-being. Click to read seven tips for coping with sundowner's syndrome.

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