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Buying a compression garment is all about the correct size. Compression therapy will work best only if the size is right enough to provide adequate pressure.
Choosing the Proper Compression Socks/Stockings for You
Our bodies are made up of several major systems that include the digestive system, respiratory system, the nervous system, skeletal/muscular system, and the circulatory system. All these systems work together in order for our bodies to operate properly. When one system is compromised or injured the other systems need assistance.
The Benefits of Stretching Before Exercise
It’s common knowledge that exercise is beneficial to overall health. What might not be so obvious are the benefits of stretching before we exercise. Even though our muscles have a natural elasticity, stretching before we do any kind of strenuous activity is important.
7 Tips To Manage Exercise-Induced Asthma
Having problems and experiencing nausea after working out can make staying active difficult, but exercise-induced asthma should not come in the way of your passion for fitness. To help you get past this condition and remain in the pink of health, here are some tips to manage asthma induced by exercise. READ MORE.
7 Tips To Cope With Sundowners Syndrome
Sundowner's syndrome is a condition where symptoms tend to worsen when the sun goes down in the late afternoon and evening. There are ways to combat sundowner's syndrome to help manage the symptoms and improve overall well-being. Click to read seven tips for coping with sundowner's syndrome.
Pull ups for teenagers help in managing their condition. If you are looking for pull-ups to help your young ones, here are the 5 best options available at HPFY. READ MORE.
Breathe Better: 14 Foods for Healthy Lungs & Improving Breathing
Our diet can keep our lungs healthy and improve our breathing. What foods should you be eating? What should you avoid? We have some information you need. READ MORE
5 Best Sleep Aids For Peaceful Sleep
When we do need a little extra help falling asleep, it’s good to know what will work. We’ve put together a list of the five best products to get a good night’s sleep. READ MORE.
Making A Difference Mental Well Being
10 Benefits of Crying You Didn't Know About
You may not realize that there are some very real benefits to crying. As a natural emotional response, crying serves several important purposes for our mental and physical well-being. Here are ten benefits of crying. READ MORE.
Moisturizers/Skin Conditioners Antifungal Cream
Best Antibiotic Cream for Skin Infection: 7 Effective Topical Options
To find the right antibiotic ointment, HPFY is here with a list of its best antibiotic creams for skin infection, for you to choose from. READ MORE.
Making A Difference Wound Management
Manuka Honey Vs. Regular Honey: The Buzz After All
If you, too, are confused and would love it if somebody breaks it down and uncovers the differences between manuka honey and regular honey, you've landed on the right page. READ MORE.
Choosing the Correct IV Equipment and Accessories for Intravenous Care
Caring for those with an IV means choosing the right supplies and accessories for proper care. What is right for me? Which supplies/accessories do I need? We have some information for you. READ MORE