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Articles and News

Rehab & Therapy Category

Mental Well Being

Exercise And Mental Health Practices For Sharper Mind

Keeping ourselves active and sharp, especially as we age is vital. As your health and wellness partner, Health Products For would like to share your everyday activities and exercises to help with mental and intellectual acuity.

Fitness supplies

Fitness Practices for Everyday

We all know that everyday health & fitness practices are crucial to your health and well-being. As your partner in wellness, Health Products For You would like to help you navigate the fitness landscape!


Deep Vein Thrombosis - Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Deep vein thrombosis is a condition where blood clots are formed in one or more of the deep veins in the body. It typically develops in the legs, thighs, and pelvis causing severe pain and swelling. Often, DVT may occur with no symptoms. When the vein swells, the condition is called thrombophlebitis. Whereas, when a DVT breaks loose and blocks the blood flow in the lung, it is called pulmonary embolism (PE).

Mental Well Being

The Connection Between Your Mind and Body

We are learning more every day about the power of the mind, and how it influences our overall health and wellness. This connection to our state of being cannot be underestimated. The good news is we do have it within our power to make a positive impact on our well-being.

Therapy Essentials

Five Tips for Easy Pulmonary Rehab at Home!

Pulmonary rehabilitation is the routine designed to improve the health of an individual after or while they are affected by a respiratory or pulmonary disorder.

Aquatic Rehab Therapy

Reap the Benefits of Aquatic Rehab Therapy

Aquatic rehab therapy has some very unique benefits and Health Products for You can explain these to

Mental Well Being

Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Cure

Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Cure treatment and more


5 Best EMS Units for Muscle Growth

EMS units are devices that use electric muscle stimulation to relieve muscle pain, nerve pain, and joint pain. Buy Best EMS Units of 2024@HPFY. Visit Today!

Rehab & Exercise

National Senior Health & Fitness Day

On May 31 we will celebrate National Senior Health and Fitness Day. This is a good time for our seniors to either continue their goal of living a healthier life or develop and start an exercise program to help build strength, while achieving a healthier lifestyle. This does not necessarily mean you have to join the gym and hit the weights five times a week. Many goals that we set for ourselves along these lines can be achieved in the home, believe it or not. We here at HPFY can help you establish a strength-building or nutritional program that can help you maintain your independence and quality-of-life!!

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Thumb Braces and Splints Wrist Braces

5 Best De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Splint

Repetitive movements can cause many problems; one such is De Quervain Tenosynovitis (informally known as Mommy’s Thumb). It is a common condition that affects the tendons of the wrist. A brace is the most sought-after and effective method to deal with this condition. But which one should you consider? To help you find the right one, here are 5 of the best De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis Splints available. READ MORE.

Enteral Feeding Tubes

Home Enteral Nutrition: What Is It & How Does It Help You

Home enteral nutrition is also known as tube feeding within the comfort of your own home. It helps provide nutrition to a person who is unable to eat or drink in a conventional way. READ More.


10 Chronic Health Conditions That Can Develop as We Age

Aging can be accompanied by chronic health conditions. What are common chronic health conditions? Can I prevent them? We can give you information that is important. READ MORE


5 Over-the-Counter Acid Reflux Medicine to Calm Your Upset Stomach

Heart burn can dull your spirits and cause severe discomfort. Find 5 best over-the-counter acid reflux medicines to calm your upset stomach. READ MORE.

Vitamin Supplements

8 Health Dangers of Low Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is important for our body, & deficiency can lead to various health issues. Here are 8 dangers of low vitamin D levels you must know about.


Managing 5 Common Signs & Symptoms Perimenopause

As women approach menopause they can encounter the signs and symptoms of perimenopause. What exactly is perimenopause? How do I manage this? We can give you valuable information. READ MORE


Hemorrhoid Cream 101- Uses, Benefits, and Product Suggestions

Hemorrhoid creams may seem unnecessary, but given the prevalence of hemorrhoids, having these creams handy can help. READ MORE.


7 Product for At-Home Whiplash Treatment

Clinical treatment for whiplash is great but for better results at home treatment may be required. How do I treat whiplash at home? What will I need? We can give you some information. READ MORE

Diapers and Briefs

How To Change An Adult Diaper

Whether you are a certified caregiver or caring for a family member, understanding how to change an adult diaper is of utmost importance. To understand the diaper-changing process and find answers to your questions about caring for an adult with incontinence READ MORE.

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