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Sports Injury Prevention

Sports Injury Prevention

Sports and other exercises are considered as an effective way to maintain shape and a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand it can also sometimes have adverse effects in the form of injury.


Migraine: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Migraine is an intense headache that is a result of specific changes in brain. It can initiate in teens and can be generally seen more in 30 to 40 years of age group. More than 90% of people with migraine have already experienced it before turning 40.


Fibromyalgia - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Methods

Fibromyalgia syndrome is characterized by chronic muscle pain, tiredness, and sleep problems. The condition is associated with tender points on the body that causes pain when pressure is put on them. Points like:Neck,Arms,Shoulders,Back,Hips and legs.

Pressure Ulcers

Preventing Pressure Ulcers

Pressure ulcers are caused by the sustained pressure exerted by hard surface, such as bed or wheelchair on skin. It reduces the blood flow to nearby skin and tissues, thereby limiting the amount of oxygenated blood and nutrients. This makes skin vulnerable to damage and result in development of pressure ulcers.

Muscle Pain

School’s Around the Corner, Backpack Safety

As August draws to a close, every child dreads the return to school at the end of the month or in September. Many children carry their textbooks and technology aids (such as laptops, tablets, or even smart phones) in their backpack. After a while, that backpack gets heavy and can cause shoulder and back discomfort in our children.


How To Measure Asthma?

Exposure to asthma triggers on a daily basis can result in an inflamed airway in kids with asthma even when they're not having any specific kind of breathing problems. Airway inflammation increases over time, and results in unexpected flare-ups being a big risk. They might feel normal, even as their airways are swelling, becoming narrow, and eventually getting blocked up.

Foot Conditions

Athlete’s Foot - Causes, Symptoms, and Cures

Athlete’s foot is a kind of fungal infection that affects the bottom of the foot and the region between the toes. The fungus lives in moist areas like swimming pools and locker rooms, and also can be spread through animals.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbows - Know Your Treatment Options

The extensor muscles of the forearm are responsible for the flexing and movement of the forearm. Damage to these muscles near the elbow joint is known as tennis elbow. Since these muscles are used thee most by tennis players, this injury is called tennis elbow. It happens in the lateral epicondyle region of the elbow and is hence also known as lateral epicondylitis.

Heel Spurs

All About Heel Spurs

A heel spur is a calcium deposit which causes a bony bump on the underside of the heel bone. On an X-ray, a heel spur can extend forward by as much as a half-inch. Without visible X-ray evidence, the condition is sometimes known as Heel Spur Syndrome. Usually heel spurs are painless but may sometimes cause heel pain.

Recently Added

Honey Dressings

5 Best Honey Dressings For 2024: Using Honey on Wounds

Honey is a great way to add sweetness to recipes and beverages, but did you know it has been used for centuries for wound care? How does this work? Is there a specific type of honey to use? We have the information you need. READ MORE

Air Purifiers

How To Protect Yourself From Wildfire Smoke

Wildfires can cause issues even thousands of miles away. Stay safe with these tips. READ MORE

Making A Difference

10 Tips On How To Reduce Sodium Intake

We all know that too much sodium is not good for your health. It can put you at risk for health conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease. We can show you how to reduce your sodium intake easily without compromising your taste buds. READ MORE


15 Foods To Help Constipation

Constipation is a digestive issue that can cause discomfort. Here is a list of foods to help with constipation & enhance gut health.

Cervical Pillows

Your Guide To Choosing The Best Pillow for Neck Pain

Say hello to a good night’s sleep with specially contoured pillows for neck pain. Choose and buy the best pillows for neck pain at HPFY and make every night pain-free. READ MORE


5 Best Folding Mobility Scooters

Foldable mobility scooters are made to fold compactly and fit easily in a closet and the back seat or trunk of a car. If you’re looking for something to help maintain independence that you can simply fold up and take with you or hide away even in small spaces, take a look at our 5 best folding mobility scooters. READ MORE


12 Best Nutritional Drinks That Help Digestion

Ease stomach issues and enhance your well-being with these 12 top drinks to help digestion. READ MORE.

Elbow Supports

Elbow Brace: Which One Should You Choose?

An elbow brace is used to support and stabilize an injured elbow joint. But which elbow brace is right for you? Find out at HPFY.

Covid 19

Long COVID and the Lingering Effects of COVID-19

Long COVID has a long list of over 200 symptoms. How to know if you have it and what you can do. READ MORE

Alzheimer’s or Dementia

Brain Fog vs Dementia

We will all have a moment where we wonder, is this just a moment of brain fog or could this be something worse? How do you know the difference? READ MORE

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