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Pediatric mobility devices are specifically designed to increase independence in children with special needs. A wide variety of mobility aids are available to make mobility more effective so that they can participate in all activities just like their peers at home or school. These aids can be used indoors or outdoors so that your child can enjoy every activity on all types of surfaces. Health Products For You offers several pediatric ambulatory devices for children with special needs. Along with these therapy products, we also offer accessories that could be helpful for your pediatric mobility devices.
Pediatric mobility devices are specifically designed to increase independence in children with special needs. A wide variety of mobility aids are available to make mobility more effective so that they can participate in all activities just like their peers at home or school. These aids can be used indoors or outdoors so that your child can enjoy every activity on all types of surfaces. Health Products For You offers several pediatric ambulatory devices for children with special needs. Along with these therapy products, we also offer accessories that could be helpful for your pediatric mobility devices.
These are devices that provide support to children who possess a considerable amount of strength in the upper and lower body but require support to walk. These walkers are available with or without wheels, and some types of walkers also provide support for the upper body and forearms.
Pediatric canes provide a considerable amount of support to the child. These canes provide a little less support than walkers. Canes are good for children with a higher degree of independence.
These devices are used to train small children to walk. Gain trainers provide support to the torso and groin to help them walk. Gait trainers are supplied with wheels to aid mobility in kids.
They are basically rolling walkers or walkers with wheels. Rollators often come with additional features like a basket for toys or a built-in seat for kids who get fatigued frequently.
Strollers can indeed serve as pediatric mobility equipment for children with various mobility challenges or special needs. They can provide a safe and convenient way for children to move around, explore their surroundings, and participate in various activities.
HPFY brings to you a wide selection of pediatric mobility equipment for kids to enhance and develop their mobility skills. We offer mobility aids that have proven beneficial in facilitating kids with a sense of independence. Buy now and get attractive discounts on all purchases!
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Pediatric mobility devices include pediatric canes, child crutches, pediatric walkers, crawlers etc. that offer a child or smaller person excellent walking assistance.
Pediatric quad canes come with a wide base with rubber tips. They are adjustable to fit to the height of the child. These canes have handles that can be rotated for right or left hand use.
Pediatric crutches are fully height adjustable to accomodate the growing child. Also the cuff heights can be adjustated according to the childs needs.
Pediatric walkers and gait trainers are devices that are designed to be adjustable for different levels of development and requirements. Pediatric walkers allow a child to be independent for healthier growth and development.
Baby crawl trainers are designed for children who lack head control or the ability to roll over or crawl by supporting the child while instructing, encouraging and reinforcing crawling.