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An exercise tube, most commonly known as a resistance tube, is a round piece of rubber used for strength training. Many times, people use the words resistance band and resistance tube interchangeably. Though they perform a similar function, there are still many differences. Resistance exercise has gained popularity over the decades as researchers found many benefits of it.
Resistance training is an exercise where muscles contract against an external force provided by machines, bodyweight, free weights, or rubber resistance. It helps increase muscle tone, strength and endurance. Exercise tube makes strength training more effective, comfortable, and fun. Exercise tube is used for rehabilitation purposes as well as for general fitness. It is excellent for rehabilitation, conditioning, and athletic training. With a single tube, one can perform a variety of upper and lower extremity exercises.
The intensity of the workout can easily be increased as the tubes are available in varying resistance levels, suitable for both beginners and professionals. Now, one need not have to shell out a huge sum for a gym membership. It can be done in the comfort of home and can carry own gym while away from home. Their portability, versatility, and low cost make them ideal for physical therapy clinics, fitness centers, homes, offices, etc.
HPFY offers a wide range of exercise tubes and accessories. Body Sport Resistance Tube Kit Perfect and Fitterfirst Figure-8 Physio Toner Exercise Loop Tubing are Ideal for both upper and lower body strengthening and toning workouts, MediCordz Head Strap allows for a comfortable neck and upper back stretching.
Long term use of exercising tubes offers several health benefits. A resistance tube with handles -
If you are looking for a lightweight, inexpensive, and portable piece of exercise equipment to work out anytime, anywhere, then an exercise tube is the perfect solution to meet all your fitness goals. With an exercise tube in your hand, you do not have to worry about losing those extra pounds or shedding that extra flab around your body. HPFY carries a huge collection of superior quality and skin-friendly exercise tubes from well-known makers of rehab products like Power Systems, NZ Manufacturing, Body sport, Fabrication Enterprises, and many more.
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