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Buy Pet Safety Supplies- Dog Collars and Dog Gates

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Pet Safety Products at HPFY

When one decides to own a pet, keeping them safe at home and outside becomes an integral part of their responsibility. The average home has many items that can be potential hazards for a pet. Thus, it is imperative to create safety zones for the pets at home. Health Products For You understands the dilemma of the new pet owners and brings a host of products from leading brands that ensure the safety and wellness of the pets. The catalog includes dog gates, pet collars, leashes, netting, crates, banister and door shields, car seats, and other pet safety products.

1. Dog Gate

A dog gate is the most useful equipment for keeping the puppy or dog safe at home. Dog gate creates a barrier and keeps away the dog from the unsafe areas of the house like stairways, balconies, kitchen, baby rooms, etc. The dog gates will make life easier for the pet owner and safer for the dog as they prevent dogs from reaching potential harmful items or hurting themselves with fixtures in the house. The gates come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. Cardinal Gates Duragate Pet Gate is created with a simple mounting system and is a perfect gate for large dogs or jumpers.

Buying Guide for Dog Gate

1. Mounting

Dog gates can be either pressure-mounted or hardware-mounted. Hardware-mounted gates are attached to the wall or doorways with the use of hardware. Hardware-mounted gates are sturdier, and large dogs cannot knock them over. Pressure-mounted gates do not use any hardware and are easy to install and can be removed whenever not required. Additionally, they can be taken along with the dog on vacations.

2. Material

Gates can be made of metal, plastic, or wood, and materials used in the making will determine the durability of the gate.

3. Size

Gates come in varying heights. A big dog can easily jump over a short gate. Pay attention to the height of the gate and buy a gate that is suitable for your pet.

4. Design

Design of the gates is also an important consideration after all the gates will be placed in the home. It would be best to buy a gate that is designed with home decor in mind.

2. Pet Collar and Leash

A pet collar is a belt-like thing used to put around the pet’s neck to restrain and protect it. A leash is often used in conjunction with the collar. A leash is a piece of rope or chain that is to be attached to the collar when taking the pet for a walk. Collars and leashes are the most important safety devices to protect dogs and cats from wandering off. They give the pet owner confidence and a sense of security and take the pet for a walk without fear.

HPFY offers a huge collection of colorful and attractive collars and leashes for dogs and cats from Mirage Pet Products. They are made with military-grade hardware and held to the highest standards of quality and durability.

3. Pet Harness

A harness consists of straps that surround the torso of the animal to hold, guide, and lift them. The harness helps disperse pressure over a larger body area, reducing tension on the neck and back. It provides free-breathing and freedom movement to the pet during daily walks.

Doggie Design Ombre Collection American River Choke Free Dog Harness is made of a mesh choke-free design that even fits large dogs.

4. Door and Banister Shield

A Banister shield is used to protect the pets from falling from the large opening of the banisters and balconies. Door shields are used to protect the door from pet scratching and pawing. These are essential items for pet-proofing the house. These shields can be trimmed with scissors as per the requirement. Cardinal Gates Indoor Banister Shield Protector keeps pets as well as children safe at home.

5. Pet Crate

A Pet crate is an enclosure with gates where the pet can be kept for safety, security, transportation, or prevention of destructive behavior. The create has enough space for the animal to stand and turn around.

Cardinal Gates Sliding Door Pet Crate is sturdy and durable and has two sliding doors.

Where to Buy Pet Safety Products Online?

Health Products For You carries a wide array of pet safety products from top manufacturers like Mirage Pet Products, Cardinal Gates, Doggie Design, and many more.

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