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Sun Protective Clothing is specifically tailored for protection from harmful UV rays of sun. Exposure to ultraviolet radiations can cause premature skin aging, sunburn and skin cancer. The sun damage caused is cumulative and continually adds up throughout the life. Sun resistant clothing is made from high quality fabric, rated for its UV protection level. The fabric used is tested with UV-inhibiting elements to measure its effectiveness. These sun safe clothes provide a physical barrier between skin and the sunlight. Unlike sunscreen, they need not be reapplied. The more the skin is covered with them, the better is the protection from sun. Health Products For You offers a wide range of sun protective clothing from various top-selling brands like Kool Max, Cool Comfort, Cool58, CoolFit, etc.
UPF, or Ultraviolet Protection Factor is the rating system used for sun protective clothing. It is similar to SPF (Sun Protection Factor) used for sunscreens. UPF provides protection against both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. It measures the effectiveness of fabric. The higher the UPF rating, the better is the sun protection.
UV filter clothing gives control over the overall level of UV exposure. Most of these clothing possess the following features:
Sun protective clothing usually provides UV protection to everyone, but it is especially beneficial to:
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Natural Skin Care in Winter
As the winter approaches the skin starts getting dry and sometimes flaky.During this time it is always better to go natural on skin.
Maintaining Healthy Skin
Our skin or epidermis is the largest organ in our body. Seemingly innocuous cuts, bruises, and other abrasions can lead to infections and other issues in those with handicaps or the elderly. Having a game plan to maintain healthy skin
Cleaning and Protecting Perineal Skin
An important part of any incontinence skin care program is maintaining a clean perineal area. As it turns out, our skin does not like to be perpetually wet or moist but incontinence does just that. Adherence to a program dedicated