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Pure Antimicrobial Disinfectant is a non-corrosive, low toxicity, hospital disinfectant powered by patented SDC ( Silver Dihydrogen Citrate formulation). Pure hard surface offers fast kill times, broad spectrum efficacy, and 24 hour residual protection. Effective against CRE, MRSA, VRE, Norovirus, HEP B, and HIV amongst 30 harmful germs. Odorless, non-corrosive, and safe for food contact surfaces. Pure may be applied in the presence of patients, employees, and visitors and is generally recognized as safe to use on food contact surfaces. Pure Hard Surface Disinfectant is on the EPA List N to kill human Coronavirus and has demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) on hard, non-porous surfaces when used in accordance with the directions for use.
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