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Nu-Hope brand is a leader in designing quality ostomy products considering the requirements of every specific condition like a colostomy, ileostomy, urostomy and parastomal hernias. It has the largest and, according to ostomy professionals, the best assortment of ostomy hernia belts. Nu-Hope belts come in multiple heights and hole sizes, varied hole placements, and different materials to suit any stoma type and just about any parastomal hernia stage. Its skin barrier is developed of special materials designed to provide the most comfortable skin protection and seal available.

About Nu-hope - Authorized Retailer

Since 1959, Nu-Hope Laboratories have provided personalized customer service to ostomates, their nurses, doctors, caregivers, and families. Our ostomy products are thoughtfully designed and manufactured in the USA. Nu-Hope help WOC nurses, doctors and caregivers to find the perfect solution for all patients, no matter how difficult the stoma or hernia. Our product range includes support belts, ostomy pouches, and accessories including custom solutions for support belts and pouches. Our brief history In 1959, Nu-Hope Laboratories was founded by Edmund Galindo after he created his own ostomy devices that allowed him to get back to work and back on the golf Hope. and the feeling that they were offering “new hope” to others in need. Today, the family legacy lives on, and the Galindo family continues to help ostomates and their families live better, happier and healthier lives.

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