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Wound Care Category

Wound Preps

13 Great Wound Care Products

Finding great wound care medical aids can be confusing and Health Products for You can point you to 13 great options.


All About of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy, NPWT, or vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) is a wound healing technique used to expedite the wound healing process. Wound care techniques have grown throughout the ages, advancing over time in terms of technology, medical knowledge, and expertise so that wound healing can be precise, faster, and healthier than before.

First Aid

Keep Your Medicine Cabinet Stocked

Nobody knows when a crisis or medical emergency will rear its ugly head. During a crisis, having a supply of medicines in hand or reserve can be critically important during a potential shortage and Health Products for You can help.

Honey Dressings

Quick Way to Heal Wounds: Medihoney & Its Benefits

Of the many natural remedies available, the use of honey in wound healing is one that has been around for centuries and can truly help with wound healing. Believe it or not, there are numerous reasons and medical benefits to using honey to heal wounds.

Unna Boot Dressings

Buying Unna Boots: Read the Ultimate Guide for Unna Boot Application

Venous problems, such as venous ulcers, as well as other venous deficiencies require a specialized touch when it comes to treatment. These ailments can be serious if left untreated and can become even life-threatening. One technique for treating these injuries is with an Unna boot.

Foam Dressings

Top 10 Best-selling Foam Dressings 2024

Wound care can be a wide-ranging field and the fact that different wounds require different dressings just complicate matters. Finding the proper wound dressing may seem impossible with the multitude of options available on the market. Foam dressings are a very popular type of dressing for a wide range of wound types. We here at HPFY have compiled the top 10 best-selling foam dressings.

Honey Dressings

How To Use MediHoney Dressing for Wound Healing

By optimizing the healing environment, our bodies can repair themselves quicker and with less potential infection and discomfort.The Medline TheraHoney Wound Gel Honey Dressing provides special, unique healing properties for a variety of wounds from those with no drainage to wounds with moderate drainage.We think of honey today as just a sweetener, but it is a wound healer as well.

Silver Dressings

5 Best Silver Alginate Dressings of 2024

Topical antimicrobial dressings are used to prevent and manage infections in a wide range of wounds. Silver, as a topical antimicrobial agent has been used in wound care for hundreds of years.

Wound Dressings

12 Wound Care Facts: Guide to Wound Healing Myths and Truths

There is no shortage of misconceptions and doubts regarding efficient wound care methods. Before embarking on a wound care treatment it is therefore important to check the myths and facts.

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Diabetes Management

Diabetes Care - Hot Tub Safety

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, then you know that even some things that are considered healthy are not exactly good for you. Hot tubs are not one of those things and can have some incredible benefits for diabetics. But there are some things to remember while using hot tub therapy for diabetes management. READ MORE.

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