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Akanksha Nigam

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Akanksha Nigam has been a Health Products For You contributor since 2021. With a Masters Degree in Finance, she began her Marketing career in the banking industry. However, her interest in human anatomy had her learning about complex medical conditions and procedures. This led her to HPFY where she has played multiple roles and is a regular contributer to our writing team.

When she is not writing, she loves being creative in other ways and can usually be found singing, dancing, or reading. She also values her “me time” by going the gym or taking a half-an hour walk. Attaining peace of mind is her mantra for a good life!

Kinesiology Tapes

How Does Kinesiology Tape Work?

Akanksha Nigam Jan 10, 2023

Kinesiology tape (KT Tape or athletic tape) is a treatment option for injuries and illnesses that lead to mobility and motor function issues. You may have noticed athletes wearing these tape strips on their bodies. These colorful strips of special tape are placed on the body to support joints (like the knee, shoulder, ankle, and wrist), muscles, and tendons and facilitate muscle functions, stabilize joints, and inhibit muscles from contracting. It also decreases muscle spasms, pain, and swelling. Learn how does kinesiology tape work & find 5 best KT tapes at HPFY.


Simple Ways To Calm An Anxiety Headache

Akanksha Nigam Jan 10, 2023

Anxiety can also cause what is known as an anxiety headache. This can cause discomfort in your scalp, neck, and head. You may have tension headaches if you are constantly stressed or worried about something. Frequent tension headaches worsen the symptoms of anxiety. Learn 6 Simple ways to relieve an anxiety headache.


Using a Nebulizer for Bronchitis

Akanksha Nigam Jan 10, 2023

The initial symptoms of acute bronchitis are sore throat and congestion, with the eventual development of a dry cough which can happen to adults and children. Other symptoms, like mild headache or body aches, fever, and chest discomfort, usually disappear within 3 to 10 days, but a cough can last for a long time. Nebulizers help in curbing the symptoms of bronchitis. Learn all about using a nebulizer for bronchitis.

Post Mastectomy Bras

How To Measure Bra Size At Home

Akanksha Nigam Jan 12, 2023

The most common mistake while shopping for a bra is choosing a band that is too big and a cup size that is too small. Many factors can alter the style and fit of a bra, such as weight gain or loss, pregnancy, and time of the month. A well-fitting bra may go unnoticed, but an ill-fitting one won’t, especially during movement like walking, dancing, or going down a flight of stairs. Learn how to measure bra size at HPFY.


What Are The 4 Stages of COPD?

Akanksha Nigam Jan 16, 2023

Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease (COPD) is a long-term, chronic lung disease that progresses over time and is characterized by constant cough and shortness of breath. COPD is a severe respiratory illness, and you must have all the information about this condition. Find what are the 4 stages of COPD and how should you manage them.

Diabetes Management

How To Lower Blood Sugar?

Akanksha Nigam Jan 18, 2023

High blood sugar happens when glucose is not completely dissolved in the blood due to insufficient insulin or if the body is unable to use the insulin properly. High blood sugar levels (known as hyperglycemia) are also linked with diabetes. Learn 7 easy tips on how to lower blood sugar levels at home.

Alzheimer’s or Dementia

Managing Dementia and Incontinence

Akanksha Nigam Jan 19, 2023

The psychological and social impacts of incontinence can be burdensome for family members and caregivers. It disrupts daily life, sleep patterns, outings, and even relationships and gets even worse when accompanied by dementia. Research states that Incontinence with dementia can be a precursor to loss of independence and nursing home admission in some cases. Learn all about dementia and incontinence at HPFY.

Making A Difference

A Primer on Biofeedback Therapy

Akanksha Nigam Jan 19, 2023

Biofeedback is a therapy to measure your body’s response to key functions with the help of sensors. This information helps you learn more about how your body works, gives you control over body functions, and insights into health conditions. Learn all about biofeedback therapy at HPFY.


Pureed Foods For Adults in 2024

Akanksha Nigam Jan 19, 2023

If you have recently undergone surgery or are recovering from a serious illness, you may find it necessary to eat a pureed food diet for some time. It is a viable alternative to a liquid or regular diet by giving your body the nutrition it needs, preventing weight loss, and giving your body the strength to heal. HPFY brings you the guide to eating pureed food for adults.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis vs. Heel Spur : What's The Difference?

Akanksha Nigam Jan 24, 2023

Do you experience pain in your heel after waking up in the morning and walking a few steps? You might wonder what is causing that pain. Could it be a heel spur or plantar fasciitis? Read on to learn more!


Bronchiectasis vs. Bronchitis : The Key Differences

Akanksha Nigam Jan 24, 2023

Bronchiectasis vs. Bronchitis - What are the differences? Read more to find out all about bronchiectasis and bronchitis.

Sports Injury Prevention

5 Most Common Football Injuries & Their Treatment

Akanksha Nigam Jan 25, 2023

Research shows that injuries occur more often during a game than at practice, and the older the player, the higher the injury risk. The study also observed that muscle and tendon injuries were more common among males, whereas joints and ligament injuries were more common among females. Learn all about 5 most common football injuries & their treatment options.