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Incontinence Guide Category

Incontinence Guide

A Brief Guide to Urinary Incontinence in Women

The pelvic floor muscles in your abdominal region, help you hold your urine. Urine may leak if the muscles get weak. This can happen from pregnancy, prostate surgery, or excessive weight.

Incontinence Guide

How To Choose The Right Incontinence Product

There are hundreds of incontinence products available in the market. But the biggest dilemma is to choose the one that fits your needs. Discreteness is very important part of the precaution to many people dealing with incontinence. If discreteness is important for you, there are several options available.

Incontinence Pads and Liners Incontinence Alarm Devices Incontinence Underwear Incontinence Tips Incontinence Guide Incontinence Clamps

What is Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can affect both men and women and may be short-lived or life-long. There are four basic types - stress, urge, overflow, total incontinence.

Incontinence Guide

Incontinence Care: Some Do’s and Don’ts

As we age the issue of incontinence becomes more prominent. Whether it’s a little leak when you cough or giggle an awkward social situation can rear its ugly head.

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