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Orthopedics Category

Thumb Braces and Splints Wrist Braces

5 Best De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Splint

Repetitive movements can cause many problems; one such is De Quervain Tenosynovitis (informally known as Mommy’s Thumb). It is a common condition that affects the tendons of the wrist. A brace is the most sought-after and effective method to deal with this condition. But which one should you consider? To help you find the right one, here are 5 of the best De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis Splints available. READ MORE.

Knee Braces

Types Of Knee Braces: Which One Is For You?

Dealing with knee pain or injury is challenging, but the right type of knee brace makes the road to recovery much easier. READ MORE learn how to choose the best knee brace.

Wrist Braces

The 5 Best Wrist Braces of 2024

A wrist brace immobilizes the wrist and prevents the bones from rubbing together too much, causing pain. The brace for wrist also aids in shifting the weight away from inflamed areas of the wrist joint, reducing pain and discomfort. Find the best wrist braces for various wrist pain conditions at HPFY.

Cervical Orthopedics

Five Best Cervical Traction Devices

Neck pain can wreak havoc on your otherwise healthy life. Traction device improves your cervical health and overall well-being. Read more to find our best cervical traction devices designed to curb the stiffness and discomfort of cervical muscles.

Back and Abdomen

Proper Lifting Techniques: 8 Steps for Lifting Heavy Objects from the Floor

We have all faced the need to lift a heavy object and have probably done so without injury. Did you know that you can cause serious injury if you use improper lifting techniques? Lifting a heavy object incorrectly can lead to acute muscle or ligament strains that can last for only short periods or linger longer. These strains are small little tears in the actual muscles of the lower back.


Treating Bunions Using Orthotic Devices

Bunions can be easily managed by opting for a custom-made orthotic device. It will relieve the user of the pain and tenderness and any infection at the bunion site.


Sports and the Handicapped

Many people feel that competitive sports is off-limits to those with handicaps and that is just plain wrong. A multitude of handicaps can be overcome to allow everyone and anyone to participate in their favorite sport and succeed.

Foot Management

Straightening The Toe - Treatment And Solutions for Toe Problems

Toes problems are common among almost all ages and the slightest of problems if not treated can grow to become major problems. Learning the right ways to diagnose, treat, and take care of toe problems can help alleviate pain and also aid speedy recovery.

Foot Management

All About Turf Toe

The metatarsophalangeal joint is the joint that connects the foot to the toes. Injury to the connective tissues in this joint near the big toe is called turf toe. The injury is generally the result of excessive upward bending of the big toe joint. This condition can be caused from either by jamming the toe, or repetitive injury when pushing off repeatedly when running or jumping.

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Allergy Relief

Asbestos Exposure: Symptoms & Treatment

Asbestos Exposure: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Incontinence Guide

What Is Reflex Incontinence: Causes & Treatment Options

Reflex incontinence is caused by a spasm of the detrusor muscle. What is reflex incontinence? What causes reflex incontinence? We have information you should know. READ MORE

Immune Health

Celiac Disease: Covering The Basics

Learn about celiac disease: symptoms, diagnosis, management, and when to seek help. Understand the importance of early intervention and a gluten-free lifestyle for better long-term health.

Immune Health

10 Everyday Foods That Boost Your Immune System

While our genetics and lifestyle choices play a significant role in determining our immune defenses, what we eat can have a major impact on our ability to fight off infections and stay resilient. Here are 10 foods that strengthen your immune system.

Moisturizers/Skin Conditioners

How to Treat Sunburn Fast

Find six effective ways to relieve sunburn discomfort. From soothing Aloe Vera to staying hydrated, these simple remedies can help alleviate pain and promote skin healing. READ MORE.

Pressure Ulcers

Identifying the 4 Stages of Bed Sores

Bedsores can cause serious health issues down the road. Identifying the stages of bedsores can help treat them. What are the 4 stages of bedsores? How do I treat them? We have information you need to hear. READ MORE


10 Tips for Better Living with Lymphedema

Cancer patients can experience lymphedema. This can lead to questions about dealing with it. Can I live a long life with lymphedema? How does lymphedema affect daily life? We have your information. READ MORE

Living with Ostomy

7 Things You Should Never Say to an Ostomate

Gain valuable insights into respectful communication with ostomates. Explore seven things you should avoid saying, and discover practical tips for fostering empathy and understanding in your interactions.

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